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词汇 rationalize
例句 Management is thinking of ways to rationalize our system of production.管理部门在考虑如何对我们的生产体系进行合理化改革。We are a small company, and we need to rationalize if we want to compete in this market.我们是小公司,想在这个市场上竞争就需进行合理化改革。She tried to rationalize her grandson's strange behavior by blaming it on the boy's father.她试图把孙子的奇怪行为归咎于孩子的父亲。He couldn't rationalize buying such an expensive car.他无法合理解释为什么要买这么贵的轿车。She knows she shouldn't have done it—she's just trying to rationalize.她知道本不应该做这件事,她只是想找个辩解的理由。When he fouls up, Glen always finds a way to rationalize what he's done.格伦把事情搞砸的时候,总能找出辩解理由。The recession is forcing the company to rationalize.经济衰退促使公司进行合理化改革。We need to rationalize work processes and cut costs.我们需要把工艺流程合理化以便削减开支。The company has done a lot to rationalize production.该公司做了大量工作以使生产合理化。




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