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Come on, hurry up. The kids are raring to go.快点吧,孩子们都等不及了。May I offer you some refreshment? Our soda fountain is raring to go.我可以给你拿些点心吗? 我们的冷饮小卖部这就营业。They woke up early and were raring to go.他们很早就醒来,急着开始干。After a good night's sleep, Paul said he was raring to go.睡了一夜好觉后,保罗说他已经迫不及待了。He always arrives early, full of energy and raring to go.他总是早早就到,精力充沛,跃跃欲试。It's going to be a tough game, but the whole team's ready and raring to go.这将是一场艰难的比赛,但是整个球队都已作好准备,迫不及待地等着上场。She's been raring to go since dawn.她从黎明开始就盼着出发。 |