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词汇 blinded
例句 I was blinded by the sun as I came around the corner.走过拐角时,我被阳光照得眼睛昏花。For a moment she was blinded by the harsh glare of the sun.她一时被刺眼的阳光照得眼睛昏花。Onlookers were blinded by the flash of the explosion.旁观者被爆炸的闪光照得什么都看不见。We were blinded by the flash.闪光使我们什么都看不见了。The acid went on her face and blinded her.酸性物质泼在她脸上,把她眼睛弄瞎了。He had been blinded in an explosion.他在一场爆炸中双目失明了。His anger blinded his reason.愤怒使他失去了理智。The strong light almost blinded him.强光照得他几乎什么都看不见了。As I turned the corner the sun blinded me, so I didn't see the other car.转弯时阳光太晃眼,所以我没有看见另外那辆车。The crowd was blinded by his rhetoric.听众被他的巧辩蒙蔽了。She was blinded as a child in a terrible fire.她小时候在一场可怕的火灾中失明了。He was blinded by love.他被爱情冲昏了头。She was blinded by the lights from an oncoming vehicle.迎面开来的车辆亮着大灯,晃得她什么也看不见。The floodlight had blinded him and he couldn't see to reload his gun.泛光灯照得他眼睛发花,使他不能给枪装子弹。Her eyes were blinded by scalding tears.她的双眼被滚烫的泪水模糊了视线。The dust choked and blinded him.尘土呛得他呼吸困难,眼睛也好似瞎了一样。We were blinded by the sun's rays.阳光照得我们什么也看不见。He is not blinded by the reputations of the people he has to interview.他不会因那些受访者的名声而失去判断力。Steve passed out on the floor and woke up blinded and in severe pain.史蒂夫昏倒在地板上,醒来后什么也看不见了,还感到剧烈的疼痛。The low sun blinded her as she drove up the hill.她开车上山时,低空的太阳使她一阵眼花。Their political dogma has blinded them to the real needs of the country.他们的政治信条使他们对国家的真正需求视而不见。He was too puffed up with his own importance, too blinded by vanity to accept their verdict on him.他过于骄矜自大,被虚荣心冲昏了头脑,根本不能接受他们对他的意见。She adjusted the mirror to avoid being blinded by the glare.她调整了镜子的位置,以免反光看不见。The crash happened after drivers were blinded by a mixture of fog and thick black smoke.雾气加上浓浓的黑烟阻挡了司机的视线,导致这次撞车事故的发生。She was blinded in an accident at an early age.她早年在一次事故中失明了。For a moment I was blinded by the glare of headlights coming towards me.我一下子被迎面射来的车头灯强光刺得两眼发花。She was blinded by the glitter and the glamour of her own life.她被自己的生活中表面上的光鲜与奢华所蒙蔽。He should have known better. But he was blinded by his own wants.他是应该明白的,但是他的一己之欲使他昏了头。The accident blinded me in one eye. = The accident left me blinded in one eye.那次事故使我一只眼睛失明了。We were momentarily blinded by the light of the sun.太阳光很刺眼,我们一时什么也看不见。A riding accident left her blinded in one eye.一次骑马事故使她的一只眼睛失明了。I was blinded by the glare of the approaching headlights.驶近的汽车的前灯晃得我睁不开眼。My eyes were blinded by the direct rays of light.在光线的直射下,我看不清楚东西。The pair of them were both blinded by their own cockiness.他们两个人都因为自己的狂妄而变得盲目。I drove home blinded by tears.我泪眼模糊地开车回了家。For a moment he was blinded by tears.一时间泪水遮住了他的视线。The strong sunlight blinded him.强烈的阳光照得他看不见东西。I was too blinded by love to see what kind of man he really was.我被爱情完全蒙住了眼睛,看不出他事实上是哪一类人。




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