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词汇 blind
例句 Society largely turns a blind eye to recreational drug use.社会基本上对消遣性毒品的吸食现象视而不见。He won't listen to us and is only blind obstinate.他不肯听我们的,只是盲目地固执。His shares were placed in a blind trust when he became a government minister.他当上了政府部长之后就把自己的股份进行了全权信托。The old man was blind because of cataracts.老人因患白内障而双目失明。There's a blind man who sells popcorn on the corner.角落里有个盲人在卖爆米花。The only local blind school was on the other side of Sheffield.当地唯一的盲人学校在谢菲尔德的另一边。A doe blind in one eye was accustomed to grazing as far from the edge of the cliff as she possibly could, in the hope of securing her greater safety.为了更安全,这只独目雌鹿习惯了尽量在远离峭壁的地方吃草。A ruched Austrian or festoon blind offers a softer, more luxuriant window treatment.带褶饰花边的奥地利式或花式百叶窗让我们的窗户显得更柔和、更华丽。The nest contained eight little mice that were naked and blind.窝里有八只没长毛、眼睛还看不见的小老鼠。False information has led the police up a series of blind alleys.假情报把警察引进了一个个死胡同。The old woman was blind of one eye.那个老妇人瞎了一只眼睛。Colour-blind people can't distinguish between red and green.色盲的人不能分辨红色和绿色。There was a blind smile on his face.他脸上露出隐约的笑容。The company claims to be color-blind.这家公司声称没有种族歧视。Perhaps this is a blind to make us think that the American embassy is the target.也许这只是个幌子,要让我们以为美国大使馆就是攻击目标。It was a bit tricky introducing a blind date to my boss.给我老板介绍相亲对象有点棘手。They had to fly blind through heavy smoke.他们在浓密烟雾中只能靠仪表操纵飞行。Can you read it to me? I'm as blind as a bat without my glasses.你能读给我听吗?我不戴眼镜什么也看不清。Your donation can mean the gift of sight to a blind person.你的捐赠可能意味着给一位盲人带来光明的恩赐。I used to act out of blind impulse when I was young.我年轻时常凭盲目的冲动行事。The naughty boys mocked the blind man.顽皮的孩子们嘲弄那个盲人。We must not be blind to the suffering of others.我们不能对他人的痛苦视而不见。In heavily infected areas, half the population become blind.在受污染严重的地区,有一半人口失明。We can no longer claim ignorance about the effects of pollution or continue to turn a blind eye.我们不再被说是忽视污染的影响或继续视而不见。He is the first blind date of my life.他是我一生中由别人安排初次见面的第一个男子。She met her husband on a blind date.她是通过别人介绍认识她丈夫的。The plane is equipped with black boxes designed to blind the enemy radar eyes.这架飞机配备着旨在迷盲敌方雷达的黑匣子。William was lying spreadeagled on the grass, blind drunk.威廉喝得烂醉如泥,四肢摊开躺在草地上。He will try to blind us with statistics, but don't lose sight of the main point.他会用数字来弄得我们头昏眼花,但大家可不能忽视要点。He is now blind in one eye.他现在一只眼睛瞎了。Our likes and dislikes are often blind, the spawn of instinct or habit.我们的好恶常常是盲目的,都是天性或习惯的产物。A blind man is insensible to colours.盲人对色彩一无感觉。If my sister did something wrong my mother always turned a blind eye.如果妹妹做了错事,母亲总是睁只眼闭只眼装作不知道。He ran the certain risk of going blind.他冒着势必失明的危险。I'll try to help, but it's the blind leading the blind because I've never done this before either.我会尽量帮忙,但这只是盲人教盲人,因为这件事我以前也没做过。Percy lay on the floor in a blind stupor and could not or would not get up.珀西完全神志昏迷躺在地板上,根本站不起来。After he went blind, she would read out loud to him from his favorite books.他眼睛瞎了以后,她给他朗读他最喜爱的书。Each party was blind to the other's concerns.双方都没有意识到对方所关切的事情。I realized how blind I was to his faults.我认识到自己有多么糊涂,对他的毛病视而不见。He was born blind.他生来就是失明的。




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