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词汇 rare and
例句 Some very rare and special plants grow in these woodlands.这片林地中生长着一些非常稀有和特别的植物。They have replanted many areas with rare and unusual plants.他们在许多地方重新种上了珍稀植物。Large numbers of rare and beautiful Alpine plants are threatened with extinction.大量珍稀而美丽的高山植物面临着灭绝的威胁。This vase is very rare and is almost a collector's item.这个花瓶十分稀罕,值得收藏。We got a good supper, and grew rare and sleepy.我们美美地吃过晚饭,开始昏昏欲睡了。He paid rare and fugitive visits to us.他难得来看我们,而且来去匆匆。The museum is full of rare and precious treasures.这家博物馆里收藏的满是奇珍异宝。




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