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Stop using the cream immediately if it causes irritation.如果引起皮肤刺痛,请立即停止使用该乳霜。They were ordered to desist from using the symbol as a logo.他们被勒令停止使用那个符号作为标识。The use of this drug has dropped.这种药物已经停止使用。The expression went out of use some time ago.这个表达方式不久前已停止使用。If side effects occur, discontinue use.如果产生副作用就停止使用。That type of jet went out of service long ago.那种喷气式飞机早已停止使用。You might think from the foregoing that the French want to phase accents out. Not at all.根据上述内容,你可能会认为法国人想要逐步停止使用重音符号。绝非如此。Stop using the cream if you get any irritation.如有任何不适请停止使用此乳霜。Most of the old buses have been withdrawn from service.多数旧公共汽车已被撤下停止使用。The committee acknowledged that these chemicals are highly dangerous, and agreed to phase them out gradually.委员会承认这些化学物非常危险,同意逐步停止使用。There have been calls for the drug's immediate suspension, following reports that it has dangerous side effects.有报道指出这种药物有危险的副作用后,人们呼吁立即停止使用该药。 |