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词汇 ransacked
例句 The room had been ransacked.这间屋子遭到了洗劫。The newspaper's offices were ransacked by members of the secret police.报社的办公室被秘密警察搜了个遍。Demonstrators ransacked and burned the house where he was staying.示威者搜遍了他的住处,并放火烧了那里。Thieves burgled and ransacked the house.窃贼破门而入,把房屋内的东西偷盗一空。The burglars ransacked the house but found nothing valuable.窃贼把房子翻了个底朝天,但没有找到任何值钱的东西。Robbers ransacked the apartment looking for money.盗贼在公寓里到处翻找钱财。He returned to find that burglars had ransacked his office.他回来后发现窃贼已把他的办公室洗劫一空。The invading army ransacked the city.入侵的军队把城市洗劫一空。She ransacked the wardrobe for something to wear.她把衣柜翻得乱七八糟,寻找可穿的衣服。Thieves broke in and ransacked the house.小偷破门而入,把屋子洗劫一空。She returned home to find her house ransacked.她回到家时发现自己的房子遭到了洗劫。He returned from hospital to find thieves had ransacked his home.他从医院回来,发现家里被小偷洗劫一空。The whole flat had been ransacked.整间公寓都遭到洗劫。I ransacked the kitchen for something better.我在厨房里仔细搜索,想找出一点更好吃的东西。




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