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A frequent metaphor for one aspect of chaos theory is called the Butterfly Effect - butterflies flapping their wings in the Amazon affect the weather in Chicago.关于混沌理论的一个方面,有个频繁引用的比喻叫做蝴蝶效应——蝴蝶在亚马孙扇动翅膀会影响芝加哥的天气。The Amazon Basin is very large.亚马逊河流域很大。Do you know the source of Amazon River?你知道亚马逊河的源头吗? The earliest colonists of the Amazon seem to have practised farming.好像是最早到达亚马孙流域的殖民者形成了耕种的传统。The Brazilian Amazon has the feel of a tropical wild west.巴西亚马孙河流域有一种热带西部荒野的感觉。Amazon customers love these baby and toddler reins.亚马逊网站上这种防止幼儿走失的安全带卖得很好。Operation Amazon is timed to coincide with the start of the dry season.拯救亚马孙河的行动安排在了旱季来临之际。His entry won him a trip to the Amazon.这次参赛为他赢得了一次亚马孙河之旅。Here we find immense virgin forests, similar to those of the Amazon and Indonesia.我们在这里发现了大片类似亚马孙地区和印度尼西亚的原始森林。Those women are far from being Amazon types.那些女人远不像亚马孙族般强悍刚勇。This book is required reading for anyone interested in the Amazon.对于任何对亚马孙感兴趣的人来说,这本书都是必读不可。We went on a long trip up the Amazon.我们朝着亚马孙河上游继续漫长的旅程。Vast areas of the Amazon rainforest have been destroyed.大片大片的亚马孙河雨林区被毁坏了。The Amazon is a giant among rivers.亚马孙河是一条巨大的河流。 |