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例句 The response to this raises the question of strategy to new levels of urgency.对此的回应引发了应对新层面紧急情况的策略问题。This soap raises no lather at all.这种肥皂不起泡沫。The use of animals in scientific tests raises difficult ethical questions.用动物做科学实验引发了棘手的道德问题。This event raises doubts as to whether they are capable.这件事引发了对他们能力的质疑。The new law raises concerns about academic freedom.新法规提高了人们对学术自由的关注。The play's interest lies in the questions it raises about sexuality.这出戏有趣的地方在于它提出了性的问题。The story raises serious questions about our system of justice.这个报道针对我们的司法制度提出了严肃的问题。The British Legion raises funds to help ex-service personnel and their dependants.英国退伍军人协会筹集资金帮助退伍军人及其家属。She sounded off about the unequal pay raises.她对不公平的加薪明确表示不满。The school raises money by organizing fund-raising events.学校以组织募款活动来筹集资金。It raises the question whether the game is worth the candle.这就引起了问题,那件事是否值得做。The contraction of this muscle raises the lower arm.这块肌肉收缩使下臂抬起。The accident again raises questions about the safety of the plant.这起事故再一次引发了人们对于工厂安全性的质疑。People see others getting pay raises and they want a slice of the pie.人们看到别人涨工资就想自己也该得一份。The accident raises a number of questions about the safety of the system.事故使人们意识到系统安全的许多问题。She raises chickens in the yard.她在院子里养鸡。This raises doubts about the point of advertising.这使人们对广告的意义产生了疑虑。If the landlord raises the rent again, we'll just have to move out.如果房东再提高房租,我们就不得不搬走。The latest economic forecast again raises the spectre of increased inflation.最新的经济预测再次增加了人们对越来越严重的通货膨胀的担忧。The book raises many questions about our biological origins.这本书提出了许多有关生物起源的问题。Her paper raises several questions that need to be discussed/addressed.她的论文提出了几个需要讨论/论证的问题。The use of the police raises the hackles of people in that country.出动警察激怒了该国人民。A good manager raises expectations among employees.好的经理可以使雇员充满希望。If my landlord raises the rent again, I'll have to look for somewhere smaller.要是房东再加房租的话,我得另找小一点的地方了。The questions Douglas raises about contemporary society have no simple answers.道格拉斯就当代社会提出的问题不是三言两语就能回答的。The rejection of the peace plan raises the threat of a more general war.拒绝接受和平计划增加了爆发更大规模战争的威胁。The charity raises money for holidays for the underprivileged.该慈善机构为贫困民众筹款过节。His failure to appear raises serious doubts as to his reliability.他未露面实在使人怀疑他是否可靠。The region receives a higher share of tax revenue than it raises.该地区分到的税赋收入大于其所征税额。He rarely raises his voice in anger.他极少因生气放大嗓门。The boss is chintzy about raises.老板对加薪吝啬得很。The discovery raises the possibility of a cure for the disease. 这一发现使治愈这种疾病成为了可能。This then raises the issue of the next priority, the social services.于是,这就引起对下一个须优先考虑的事项,即社会服务问题的争论。 This incident raises troubling questions.这件事引出了一些令人担忧的问题。He raises crops mainly for the use of his family.他种农作物主要是为了家庭自用。The issue raises a moral dilemma.这个问题引发了一个道德上的两难抉择。Exercise raises your body temperature.锻炼能使体温升高。If the government raises direct taxation, it will lose votes.政府提高直接税会失去选票。His boss is a real Scrooge who never gives people raises.他的老板可真是个吝啬鬼,从不给涨工资。The problem raises wider issues of gender and identity.这个问题引起了有关性别和身份的更广泛的争议。




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