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词汇 radical
例句 He was a radical when he was young, but now he's much more moderate.他年轻时是个激进分子,但现在温和多了。I'm just having my hair trimmed - nothing radical.我正把头发剪短一下——没什么大改变。Even radical marketing strategies proved effete.即使采取激进的市场营销策略也毫无效果。His art style was less radical than his contemporaries.他的绘画风格不像与他同时代的人那样激进。The final document was a compromise between moderate and radical views.最终的文件折中了温和与激进观点。The Greens see themselves as a radical alternative to the two major British political parties.绿党人士认为他们与英国的两个主要政党截然不同。He was a radical preacher who inspired peasants to rebel.他是一个激进的传教者,鼓动农民造反。When I was young, I was more politically radical.我年轻时在政治上更为激进。Such a radical proposal would never get through parliament.如此激进的提案永远不会得到议会的批准。These new techniques are major/dramatic/radical departures from standard practices.这些新技术相对于标准做法而言是重大变革。There was a radical difference between their views on foreign policy.他们对外交政策的看法存在着根本性的差异。You can look up a character under its radical.你可以根据部首查找汉字。During her administration the country underwent a radical process of change.在她的任期内,国家经历了天翻地覆的变化。The feeling among the grassroots of the Party is that the leaders are not radical enough.这个政党的广大基层党员感到他们的领导行事不够彻底。She wrote a radical critique of the philosopher's early essays.她写了一篇言辞激烈的文章,批评那位哲学家早期的作品。He has stuck by his radical plans for economic reform.他坚持其激进的经济改革计划。If he presents himself as a radical, he risks scaring off the moderates.如果他表现得像激进分子,就有可能吓跑温和派。There will never again be the traumatic gyrations such as occurred in the radical era.不会再有激进时代的那种创痛至巨的大变动。He is regarded as a committed supporter of a radical free-market economics policy.他被视为激进的自由市场经济体制政策的坚定支持者。As tempers rose, he spoke out strongly against some of the radical ideas for selling off state-owned property.他火气越来越大,公开对出售国有资产的一些激进观点表示强烈反对。The computer has introduced radical innovations.计算机带来了不同凡响的创新。Such radical opinions have rarely, if ever, been heard here before.如此激进的观点此前在这里很少听到。There will be a radical swing to the right or the left.会出现转向极左或极右的情况。The Health Service has become a dinosaur. It needs radical reform if it is to survive.规模庞大的社会医疗卫生服务已过时了,若要继续存在下去就需要进行彻底的变革。The government will not slacken the pace of radical reform.政府不会放慢激进改革的步伐。We need to emphasize the radical character of our demands.我们需要强调一下我们的诉求的基本性质。The mainstream political parties are losing support to smaller, more radical organizations.主流政党正在失去支持,民心逐渐转向一些规模较小、比较激进的组织。He has made one of the most powerful American films of the year by keeping faith with his radical principles.他坚持自己的激进创作原则,制作出当年最具影响力的一部美国电影。The climate was too hot politically to make such radical changes.政治气候过于严峻,很难彻底变革。The Socialists introduced fairly radical reforms.社会主义者推行了相当激进的改革。He remained for some years avowedly radical in his political outlook.他多年来保持公然激进的政治观。Schuler's life took a radical turn when he became obsessed with horses.舒勒迷上马之后,生活发生了剧烈的变化。The party was totally radical! 这次聚会简直棒极了!The Russian Parliament has approved a program of radical economic reforms.俄罗斯议会已经通过一项重大经济改革方案。The country needs a period of calm without more surges of radical change.国家需要一段时间的稳定,其间不要再有重大的变革。The Russian Parliament has approved a program of radical economic reforms.俄罗斯议会通过了一项实施彻底经济改革的方案。But what it really goes to show is how easily a radical idea can be tamed.但是这真正要表明的是要使一个激进的想法变得平和有多么容易。The Football League has announced its proposals for a radical reform of the way football is run in England.足联宣布了它关于对目前英格兰足球运作方式进行彻底改革的提议。The new centre-right government's radical objectives are often couched in moderate terms.新的中右翼政府经常以温和的语言表述其激进的目标。The campus environment was accepting of radical politics.当时大学校园的环境适合于激进派的政治。




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