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词汇 barrel
例句 The ads say the movie will be more fun than a barrel of monkeys.广告上说这部电影将会非常有趣。She gave her friend everything she owned, lock, stock, and barrel, and moved away.她把自己所有的东西给了朋友后便搬走了。Before they were repatriated, they sold all their possessions, lock, stock, and barrel.他们被遣返回国之前,把全部财产统统变卖了。The barrel of the gun was rock-steady, covering him as he moved.这支枪枪管十分稳固,在他移动时能打到他。They dug up their New Jersey garden and moved it lock, stock, and barrel back home.他们把在新泽西的花园刨了个遍,然后将里面的东西一样不落地搬回了家。The barrel bounced down the stairs.桶一路颠跳着滚下楼梯。They tapped a barrel of beer.他们打开桶塞放出啤酒。You'll eat so much your belly'll be like a barrel.你会吃得肚子鼓鼓的,像个大酒桶。They bought out the business lock, stock, and barrel.他们买下了这家公司全部的股权。I felt the gun barrel at my head.我感到有枪抵着我的头。We had to move our things lock, stock, and barrel to the other side of the country.我们不得不把全部家当都搬到郊外的另一个地方。Rainwater collects in the barrel in the garden.雨水收集在花园里的大桶里。I remember an old man playing a barrel organ in the street with a perky monkey sitting on his shoulders.我记得有个老头在街头演奏手摇风琴,肩上坐着一只调皮的猴子。The company will earn a fee for every barrel of oil produced.每生产一桶油,该公司就会赚取一定的费用。After the divorce, Tim felt he had reached/hit the bottom of the barrel.蒂姆离婚后,觉得自己的人生跌入了谷底。Soil should be banked up around the sides of the barrel to form a slope.土壤应该在圆桶的周边堆积起来,形成一个斜坡。He pushed the barrel of the gun into the other man's open mouth.他把枪管塞进了另一个人的嘴里。She found herself looking down the barrel of a gun.她发觉自己正面对着枪口。They dug up their New Jersey garden and moved it lock, stock and barrel to their new home.他们把在新泽西的花园挖了个底朝天,然后将里面的东西一样不落地搬回了家。Sometimes politics can be more fun than a barrel of you-know-what.政治有时比喝上一桶那玩意儿更为有趣。He ran off a bucket of water from the barrel.他从大木桶中放出一桶水。Weddington is the first to admit she's not exactly a barrel of laughs.韦丁顿第一个承认她并不是个有趣的人。The suppers are always a barrel of laughs.晚餐总是充满欢笑。He has a barrel of money about him.他身上带著许多钱。Auctioneers often scrape the barrel in search of things to sell.拍卖商常常翻箱倒柜搜罗东西来卖。This game is a barrel of fun.这个游戏很好玩。The photo shows a surfer riding inside the barrel of a wave.照片里,一个冲浪运动员正在钻浪管。Salaries in the industry are scraping/hitting the bottom of the barrel. 这个行业的工资正值低谷。There are bad apples in every barrel.不管什么地方都有害群之马。She knows I need the work so she's got me over a barrel in terms of what she pays me.她知道我需要这份工作,所以就在薪酬上难为我。He had exhausted the contents of the barrel.他抽干了桶里的东西。I found myself looking down the barrel of a gun.我发现一支枪的枪口正对着我。Both men were busily engaged in shaping barrel-staves.两个男人都正忙于削桶板。They were forced to cough up an extra dollar a barrel.他们被迫每桶多付一块钱。He broached a barrel of cider.他钻孔开了一桶苹果酒。She had a barrel of fun for three full years before she became respectable again.她快活了整整三年,之后才恢复了好名声。How much does a barrel of oil cost?一桶石油要多少钱? Politically, it looks like a gigantic pork barrel project for U. S. defence contractors.在政治上,它看上去像是一个为美国国防承包商服务的巨额政治拨款项目。He insisted that he be given control of the business, lock, stock, and barrel.他坚持要对生意全盘掌控。Rust has eaten out the gun barrel.枪管已经锈坏了。




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