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词汇 里德
例句 Although the troubles in the financial markets have made him cautious, Reid said they haven't discouraged him.里德说,尽管金融市场的风波令他小心谨慎,但还没有让他灰心。Mildred and Philip were able to get a table to themselves.米尔德里德和菲利普弄到了一张他们两人独享的桌子。Reed wrote a novel about Sade titled "When the Whip Comes Down".里德写了一部关于(法国作家)萨德的小说,名为《当鞭子落下的时候》。We need another table for Bruce Reed and company.我们还要为布鲁斯·里德一行添一张桌子。Reid reserved his most venomous attack for the Rail Authority.里德攻击铁路当局还有最厉害的一招没使出来。Reed International is a curiosity in the international world of publishing.里德国际公司是国际出版界的一朵奇葩。Reid never really got past the stage of copying other artists.里德从未真正脱离模仿其他艺术家的阶段。There's a free band concert in Reid Park this afternoon.今天下午在里德公园内有一场免费的乐队音乐会。Henry is a trusted friend with whom Reed feels a deep kinship.亨利是里德信赖且投契的朋友。I think Reid is definitely the best candidate.我认为里德肯定是最佳的候选人。John Reid has to find a way to make both sides talk to each other.约翰·里德得想办法让双方对话。Reed said the tax increases were not only justifiable, but unavoidable.里德说增税不仅是合理的,而且也是不能避免的。Jared hadn't buckled his safety belt.里德没系好安全带。Jared laughed delightedly and nudged the captain.里德高兴地笑了,并用肘推了推船长。Reed will be matched against Stone in the semifinal.里德将在准决赛中与史东较量。Read has carved a career as a successful author.里德闯出了一番事业,成了一名成功的作家。Williams has temporarily replaced Reed on the first team.威廉斯暂时替代里德进入了一队。Reid's big moment came on the half-hour mark.里德的重大时刻在半点钟时到来了。Reed was sentenced to forfeiture of all benefits.里德被判处没收所有收益。I didn't give Reid all the details yet. I'll fill him in later.我还没有把全部细节都告诉里德。我以后再告诉他。The choice is between Reid's diffidence and Kennedy's ebullience.要在里德的羞怯和肯尼迪的热情洋溢之间作出选择。Reid was forced to bail out of the crippled aircraft.里德不得不从严重受损的飞机上跳伞逃生。No knock on Andre Reed, but that's not what I want to be.安德烈·里德让人挑不出什么毛病,但我不想成为那种人。I won't detain you for much longer, Miss Reid. There are just a few more questions that I need to ask you.我不会耽误你多久的,里德小姐。我只需要再问你几个问题。Thankfully, Reid had the wit to see what was wrong with the plan.幸好里德聪明地看出了这个计划的问题所在。




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