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词汇 quote
例句 The aim of the competition is to match the quote to the person who said it.比赛的要求是把某个人和他的语录对应起来。We accepted his quote.我们接受了他的报价。This is a quote from the Bible.这是引自《圣经》的语句。She ended her speech with a quote from Shakespeare.她引用莎士比亚的一句话结束了她的演说。Please quote the appropriate reference in your letter.请在信中提供恰当的参考资料。The reporters were satisfied with his quotable quote. That was copy enough.记者们对他那句可供引用的引语很满意,那够得上是新闻。She used a quote from the Annals of Family Medicine.她用了《家庭医学年鉴》里的一处引文。That's a direct quote from the man himself.那就是这个人亲口说的话。He paraphrased the quote.他解释了引文。This is just a paraphrase of what he said, not an exact quote.这只是他所说的话的改述,并不是准确引用。He said it might be immodest for him to quote the next two lines of the review.他说自己引用以下两行评论可能有些不谦逊。We'll send you a quote without delay.我们会立刻送一份报价给你。I will quote only one or two examples.我只想引用一两个例子。The prices we quote are only a rough guide.我们的报价只是个大概的参考。What was that marvellous quote that she came out with?她引用的那句妙语是什么来着?Please quote your inclusive rates on the following cargo.请就下列货物报出你方包括一切费用在内的价格。Their quote was very cheap, relatively speaking.相对而言,他们的报价很低。Researchers try to quote primary sources wherever possible.研究人员尽可能地引用原始资料。Always get a written quote before proceeding with work.开始工作之前务必取得书面报价。I can't quote you chapter and verse but I think it's a line from "Macbeth".我说不出它的具体出处,可我觉得它是《麦克白》里的一句台词。I don't think the company is doing very well, but don't quote me on that.我认为该公司状况不佳,但别说是我说的。I can't quote the exact statistics for you offhand, but they're there for you to see in the report.我不能马上就给你举出确切的数据,不过这些数据可以在报告中查到。I imagine some people will take umbrage when they hear the quote.我想有些人听到那个报价会生气的。The article starts with a quote from an unnamed member of the Cabinet.文章的开头引用了一位未透露姓名的内阁成员说过的话。Always get a quote before proceeding with repair work.找人修理一定要先叫他们报价。She says they're quote "just good friends" unquote.她说她们,引号,“只是好朋友而已”,引号完。Old rent-a-quote is always turning up on TV to give his opinions.那个拾人牙慧的老家伙总是上电视发表他的观点。They do it because it's the quote unquote thing to do.他们做这件事正是因为有人反对。I got a number of suppliers to quote me their best prices.有一些供应商给我开出最优惠价格。She asked the reporter not to quote her remark.她要求记者不要引述她的话。Does that quote come from Shakespeare?那句话出自莎士比亚吗?For all you doubting Thomases, I'll quote from an authoritative book to prove my point.对于你们这些怀疑主义者,我要从一本具有权威性的著作上引用材料来证明我的论点。The quote loses something in translation. 这段引文在翻译过程中丢掉了一些含义。Ask the refuse department to come and quote for removing the stuff.请环卫部门来开价清理这堆垃圾。Can I quote you on that? 我可以说这话是你说的吗?The movie opens with a quote from the Buddha.影片开场引用了佛陀的一段话。Always get a written quote for any repairs needed.每次进行修理都索要一份书面的报价单。Joe was always good for a colorful quote.乔总能绘声绘色地旁征博引。The quote of the week comes from Mae West.本周引言来自梅・韦斯特。She says that the reporter put her quote down incorrectly.她说那个记者错误地引用了她的话。




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