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词汇 questions
例句 She gave ingenuous answers to all the stranger's questions.对那陌生人所有的问题,她都老老实实地一一作了回答。She is there to answer any questions you might have.你有任何问题她都能随时回答。The judge told him not to ask the witness leading questions.法官让他不要问证人诱导性问题。Read through the passage once before looking at the questions.把选篇从头到尾读一遍再看题目。He asked her questions about herself and her family.他问了她一些关于她自己及其家庭的问题。We hope to find the answers to some of these questions.我们希望找到其中一些问题的答案。He kept popping in and out, asking all kinds of questions.他不停地进进出出,问各种各样的问题。Your test questions will be based on the work you have done in the past year.测验题目将以你们在过去一年中做的作业为基础。The first few sessions were spiked with a variety of pointed questions.头几次会议因遇各种尖锐问题而受挫。I'd like to ask you a couple of questions - do you mind?我想问你几个问题—你介意吗?The interviewer asked a lot of leading questions and was clearly biased.面试官问了很多诱导性问题,而且明显带有偏见。He replied to his wife's questions obliquely and evasively.他转弯抹角并且闪烁其词地回答了妻子的问题。The distinction between right and wrong lies at the heart of all questions of morality.是非之别是所有道德问题的核心。He refused to answer any questions until his lawyer came.在律师到达之前,他拒绝回答任何问题。These questions help doctors diagnose personality disorders.这些问题有助于医生诊断人格错乱。I hope I haven't distressed you with all these personal questions.我希望我问的这些私人问题没有让你心烦。Your questions should be independent of each other.你的问题应该彼此无关。Giovanni plied him with questions with the intention of prolonging his stay.乔瓦尼一个劲儿地问他问题,想要拖住他。There won't be any time for questions after the lecture.这次讲座结束后将没有时间提问。Please take advantage of these if you have any questions or doubts.如果你还有任何问题或怀疑,请利用这些 。It was clear that the witness had been coached by her lawyer on how to answer the questions.很明显,她的律师已经告诉证人该如何回答这些问题了。Don't be sidetracked by the way the interviewer asks the questions - just keep making the relevant points.不要因为采访人的提问而扯到别的事情上去一就一直说有关的话。She felt they had insulted her by repeatedly ignoring her questions.他们屡次无视她的提问,使她觉得受到了侮辱。Stop asking me questions, for God's sake!看在上帝的份上,别再问我了!These questions demand special twists of thinking.要解决这些问题需要特别的思路。Staff will get a chance to ask questions and air their views.员工将有机会提问并发表自己的看法。The questions had been asked prior to my arrival.这些问题在我到达之前就已提出了。Giovanni plied him with questions in order to detain him.为了留住他,乔瓦尼不停地问他问题。She answered his questions perfunctorily.她草草地回答了他的问题。She torments everyone with her silly questions.她用那些愚蠢的问题纠缠每一个人。He asked a few more questions, to which he received unsatisfactory answers.他又问了几个问题,得到的答案都不令人满意。I wasn't the only one asking questions.不只是我一个人提出了问题。Let's have a few easy questions to start with.让我们先从一些简单的问题开始。He cupped his ear and squinted uncomprehendingly when the press posed inconvenient questions.当媒体提出难堪的问题时,他就会将手拢在耳边、不解地眯起眼睛。Candidates must answer two questions from each paper.应试者必须回答每张考卷上的两个问题。They asked questions about the age, sex and marital status of all the people in the house.他们询问了屋里所有人的年龄、性别和婚姻状况。I've got piles of questions for you.我有很多问题要问你。It's fine to ask questions as we go along.我们说的过程中你们可以随时问问题。He was later shown on television, fielding questions.他后来出现在电视上,答复问题。If they ask any awkward questions, just let me do the talking.一旦他们提出棘手的问题,就让我来负责回答。




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