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词汇 questioned
例句 He goes into attack mode whenever his decisions are questioned.每当他的决定受到质疑时,他就变得很有攻击性。She questioned them constantly, looking for the crack in their serene complacency.她不断地盘问他们,想从他们的平静自得中找到破绽。All the people we questioned lived in the same area, which had the effect of skewing the figures.我们询问的人全都生活在同一地区,这影响了数据的准确性。On Tuesday last week, Finnegan was detained and questioned by fraud squad officers.上周二,芬尼根被反欺诈小队的警察扣押问话。We questioned the veracity of his statements.我们对他的说法的真实性表示质疑。I trusted him and I never questioned what he told me.我信任他,从不怀疑他对我讲的话。The validity of the contract/document is being questioned.这份合同/文件的合法性正受到质疑。She questioned the rightness of his actions/decision.她质疑他的行动/决定的正确性。She was stopped at customs and questioned.她在海关被叫住接受问话。The police questioned every single one of the passengers on the plane.警察一个不漏地盘问了飞机上所有乘客。The judge's impartiality in this case might reasonably be questioned.对本案法官的公正提出质疑也许是合理的。Police sealed off the area and questioned everybody closely.警察封锁了这一地区并仔细盘查每一个人。They questioned the logic underlying his actions.他们质疑他行为背后的逻辑。The closer we got to the deadline for action, the more I questioned the sanity of the decision we had taken.越是临近期限,我越是怀疑我们的决定是否明智。He questioned whether the curriculum was broad enough in scope.他对学校课程设置面是否够宽有疑问。She was questioned about her husband's mysterious disappearance.她因丈夫的神秘消失而受到讯问。The gang was spooky after being questioned.这伙人经盘问后提心吊胆。We were questioned to the nth degree.我们被仔仔细细盘问了无数遍。He questioned the commercial viability of the new product.他质疑这个新产品的商业价值。The police questioned her for nearly three hours, during which time they really put her through the mill.警方审问了她将近三个小时,着实让她吃了些苦头。A man is being questioned in connection with the robbery.一名男子正就那起抢劫案接受查问。Several men were questioned by police yesterday about the burglary.警方昨天就盗窃案审问了几个人。The deterrent effect of the death penalty has long been questioned.死刑的威慑作用长期以来受到质疑。Opponents have questioned the legitimacy of the ruling.反对派对政府统治的合法性提出了质疑。Dr Subroto questioned the scientific assumption on which the global warming theory is based.苏布罗托博士对全球变暖理论所依据的科学假设提出了质疑。Most people that we questioned were against capital punishment.被我们访问的人中大部分都反对死刑。When police officers questioned him, he became belligerent and tried to hit one of them.当警察盘问他时,他变得怒气冲冲,并想打其中一名警察。Many people questioned whether patients were informed adequately of the risks.许多人质问有关风险是否充分告知了患者。Those who had heard what he said questioned his sanity.那些听到他的话的人都怀疑他的精神是否正常。He questioned the appropriateness of the movie for young children.他认为这部电影少儿不宜。When questioned about the robbery, Hughes answered that he knew nothing about it.休斯接受审问的时候回答说,他对这宗劫案一无所知。Sophie questioned the logic of his arguments.索菲对他的论点的逻辑性提出了质疑。Two men have been arrested and questioned.已经逮捕了两名男子,并对他们进行了审问。The police questioned the accuracy of his statement.警方怀疑他的供述的准确性。The prisoner was questioned before his release.囚犯被释放之前受到了审问。Over a fifth of those questioned wanted the school to close.被询问的人中超过五分之一希望这所学校关闭。Workers questioned rated job security as being more important than high salary.接受询问的工人认为工作稳定比高薪更重要。He inwardly questioned the utility of his work.他内心质疑自己的工作是否有用。They took me into custody, questioned me, then lodged me in a children's home.他们把我关起来,问完我话后又将我安置在儿童院。The attribution of the poem to Shakespeare is questioned by some scholars.一些学者质疑这首诗是莎士比亚所写。




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