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词汇 寻常
例句 Common things are looked at with a new interest.这么一来,寻常事物都得用新的眼光来看待了。We were served French champagne, not to mention the usual cocktails.他们连法国香槟酒也端来给我们喝,更不用说寻常的鸡尾酒了。She wouldn't dirty her hands with ordinary housework.她不愿屈尊做寻常家务。People still painted after photography became popular. Similarly , there will still be people who prefer to shoot on film even after digital cameras become the norm.过去,摄影流行以后人们仍然画画。同样地,现在数码照相机变得寻常以后还是有人会偏爱胶片摄影。I'd like to bring her something a little out of the ordinary.我想给她带点不太寻常的东西。Jack came from a family of nonentities.杰克出身于寻常人家。There's sure to be a perfectly innocent explanation for all this-though I admit it looks bizarre.虽然我承认这件事看上去有些怪异,但肯定有一个再寻常不过的解释。He was uncharacteristically quiet.他出乎寻常地安静。It was a commonly held view in those days.在当时,这是个很寻常的看法。The ordinary and extraordinary rays were interconverted when the crystals were placed at right angles.晶体成直角置放时,寻常光与非寻常光便互相转换。They asked some bread-and-butter questions.他们提了几个寻常的一般问题。You're not yourself when you rage like that.你那样大发雷霆的时候与寻常真是判若两人。A great deal of literature is only the obvious transformed into the sublime.很多文学作品都是化寻常为神奇。




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