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词汇 寻找
例句 City planners are looking for a central location for the new hospital.城市规划人员正在市中心寻找场地用于修建新医院。She is always looking for new ways to give expression to her ideas.她总是寻找新的方式来表达自己的观点。Don't stop looking until you're absolutely certain you've found the place you want.如果你不是绝对肯定已经找到了你想要的地方,就不要放弃寻找Scientists are trying to find more efficient ways of utilising solar energy.科学家正在寻找能更有效地利用太阳能的方法。The children combed the shoreline for shells.孩子们在岸边寻找贝壳。The key to adult behaviour lies in childhood.要解释成年人的行为,得从童年去寻找答案。The hunt for survivors has now been called off.寻找幸存者的行动已经叫停。Researchers are homing in on the cause of the disease.研究人员正在寻找病因。Forensic officers pace up and down the road, searching for bullet holes and spent cartridges.法医们沿这条路走来走去,寻找弹孔以及废弹壳。I found a wallet at the bus stop and then tried to look for the loser.我在公车站拾到一个钱包后,便设法寻找失主。They went on a quest for gold.他们寻找金子去了。Nora had spent her whole life trying to find happiness.诺拉一生都在寻找幸福。He was searching for an exit strategy.他正在寻找一个退出的策略。We are looking for ways to settle our differences.我们正在寻找解决分歧的方法。They're still trying to find their niche in the market/industry.他们依旧在这个市场/行业寻找商机。In the confusion after the bomb blast, I lost my bag and wasn't able to stop and look for it.在爆炸发生后的一片混乱中,我丢了包,也无法停下来寻找They are still searching for the missing child.他们仍在寻找那个失踪的孩子。She flew from room to room looking for the fire extinguisher.她从一间屋子飞跑到另一间屋子地寻找灭火器。Land had to be found for new housing.得为新住宅寻找地皮。She's on the lookout for a new sugar daddy.她在寻找新的糖老爹。Ryan was exhausted by the flight and walked off with wobbly legs to find Clark.赖恩这次坐飞机旅行后感到精疲力竭,他颤颤巍巍地走出来寻找克拉克。She struggled for years to find her true vocation.她多年来苦苦寻找真正适合自己的职业。They're looking for new sources of investment return.他们正在寻找新的投资回报来源。Rescuers are working round the clock to find survivors of the blast.营救人员日夜工作,寻找爆炸的幸存者。She's in the market for a husband.她在寻找结婚对象。I spent most of my time scouting about for books.我大部分时间都在寻找书籍。The police turned the place inside out looking for the stolen money.警方为寻找被盗的钱财把这个地方翻了个底朝天。She is always on the outlook for a better opportunity.她总是在留心寻找一个更好的机会。They continued the search, digging up the back yard.他们继续搜寻,在后院里挖掘寻找I think mostly she was looking for happiness.我认为她主要是在寻找快乐。He searched through the ruins of his childhood for the cause of his unhappiness.他梳理自己不幸的童年,寻找不快乐的根源。The hospital is doing a lot of research into new ways of treating asthma.这家医院在进行大量的研究,寻找治疗哮喘的新方法。The mountain rescue team is stepping up its hunt for the missing climbers.高山救援队加紧了寻找失踪登山者的工作。A doctor probed deep in his shoulder wound for shrapnel.一位医生伸进他肩膀伤口的深处寻找弹片。I'm groping for the right words here.我正在绞尽脑汁寻找此处合适的措词。The police are looking for the shooter.警方正在寻找枪手。A ghostly lady is said to haunt the stairway looking for her children.据说有一个幽灵似的女人经常出现在楼梯上寻找她的孩子。They're working in tandem with scientists from England to find a cure.他们正和英格兰的科学家共同合作,寻找治疗方法。The police were nosing after the criminal.警方正在寻找罪犯。The party is seeking to find a middle way between extreme right-wing and left-wing policies.那个政党正在寻找一个介于极右翼政策和极左翼政策之间的中间路线。




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