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词汇 puzzle
例句 Some of the puzzle pieces are missing.有些拼图块不见了。Critics and the public puzzle out the layers of meaning in his photos.评论界和公众揭开了他照片中的重重深意。She fitted the last piece into the jigsaw puzzle.她拼上了最后一块拼图。It's a bit like a crossword puzzle – more complicated, though.这有点儿像字谜游戏,不过要更难些。The classic jigsaw puzzle never goes out of favour with kids.经典的拼图游戏小孩子永远玩不厌。If you're such a clever dick, you finish the crossword puzzle.要是你真有那么聪明,就把这个纵横填字游戏完成了。There is a puzzle about how the plant first came to Britain.这种植物最初是怎样来到英国的还是个谜。Philologists puzzle over the origins of Basque in the way that geologists puzzle over the deep structure of faults.正如地质学家对断层的深层结构感到窘惑一样,历史语言学家也对巴斯克语的来源迷惑不解。This crossword puzzle is next to impossible.这个纵横字谜几乎不可能做出来。Scientists continue to unravel the puzzle of osteoporosis.科学家继续揭开骨质疏松症之谜。The pieces of the puzzle/mystery are finally starting to fall into place.这个谜团/秘密的零散信息终于开始明朗起来。The meaning of the poem has always been a puzzle.那首诗的含义始终是个谜。The reason for their behaviour remains a puzzle.他们为什么采取这种行为仍然弄不清楚。They slot together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.他们就像拼图玩具一样配合得丝丝入扣。We're missing one piece of the puzzle.我们这个拼图玩具少了一块。I'm never going to solve this puzzle - it's impossible.这个谜我永远也解不了一它是不可能解开的。Fortunately, the next step in the research process supplied the missing piece of the puzzle.幸运的是,研究进程中的下一步提供了谜团中所缺失的那一部分。We spent many nights working on a jigsaw puzzle of Mount Everest.我们花了好几晚的时间玩珠穆朗玛峰拼图游戏。I am doubtful whether I can solve the puzzle, but I'll have a shot at it.我说不准能否解决这难题,但我将试试看。Cassandra was absorbed in a crossword puzzle.卡桑德拉沉浸于填字游戏。Geneticists in Canada have discovered a clue to the puzzle of why our cells get old and die.加拿大的遗传学家已经发现了解开细胞衰老、死亡之谜的线索。Help me take this puzzle apart.帮我把这幅拼图拆开。To solve the puzzle, simply reverse the order of the numbers.要解开这个谜,只要颠倒数字的顺序即可。Will you help me with this crossword puzzle? It got me stumped.你帮我解这个纵横字谜好吗?它难住我了。The puzzle engaged him all evening.他整个晚上都在对付那个难题。I can't figure out the solution to this puzzle.我想不出这个字谜的谜底。The findings of the survey puzzle me - they're not at all what I would have expected.调查的结果使我感到迷惑——它们根本不像我原本预料的那样。Gautier's solution to the puzzle is ingenious.戈蒂埃破解这道难题的方法很巧妙。Researchers are close to finding a solution, but they haven't found the final pieces of the puzzle.研究者马上就要找到解决方案了,但还有最后一道难关。The origin of life is still a puzzle to scientists.生命的起源在科学家看来依然是难解之谜。The puzzle niggled away in Arnold's mind.这个谜团在阿诺德脑海里挥之不去。The solution to this week's puzzle will be published in next week's magazine.本周的谜底将在下周的杂志上公布。She tried to solve a crossword puzzle.她试著解答一道纵横字谜。My father does the crossword puzzle every morning.我父亲每天早晨都填纵横字谜。Sandy finished the puzzle first.桑迪第一个解出了字谜。The police didn't know what the message meant, but it was another piece in the puzzle.警方虽然不知道这个消息意味着什么,但它却是另一个难题。She took a whack at solving the puzzle.她试图解开这个谜团。Watching the movie was like piecing together a jigsaw puzzle.看这部影片就像是玩拼图游戏。To solve this puzzle, you'll have to think outside the box.要解出这道难题,你必须跳出固有的思维模式。Stretch your brain with this puzzle.用这个智力游戏锻炼你的脑力。




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