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词汇 pupils
例句 It's a pity that not all pupils get the same chances to learn music.可惜并不是所有小学生都同样有机会学习音乐。They criticised the quality of teaching, claiming pupils were not stretched enough.他们批评教学质量太差,声称没有使学生们发挥出潜质。The school demands total obedience from its pupils.这所学校要求学生绝对服从。Her list of pupils read like a roll-call of the great and good.她的学生名单看起来像一本大人物名册。The teacher dished out so much homework that her pupils complained to their parents.那个教师布置大量家庭作业,弄得学生都向家长诉苦。The desks were littered with catkins, hazel and willow, which the pupils had been sketching.学生的课桌上散乱地放着正在临摹的柔美花、榛子和扬柳。The teacher distributed the pupils into three groups.老师把学生分成三组。Miss Lee gets most of her pupils through.李小姐帮大部分学生通过了考试。As his pupils adjusted, he saw a faint light.眼睛逐渐适应之后,他看到一线微弱的光。Only senior pupils can leave the school premises during the lunch break.只有高年级学生能在午休期间离开校区。One in four pupils leaving secondary school can't read or write properly.四分之一的中学毕业生不能正常阅读和写作。Even infant and junior pupils took part.连幼儿和小学生都参加了。Teachers are not allowed to hit their pupils.不允许教师打学生。Examinations may be used to choose which pupils are to move into the top streams.可以采取考试的方式来决定让哪些学生进入高阶班。The pupils were asked to list the sports they loved most and hated most.小学生们被要求列出他们最喜欢和最讨厌的运动。Each morning the teacher marks the pupils present, absent, or late.每天清晨教师记下学生出席、缺席或迟到的情况。The teacher infected his pupils with his enthusiasm.教师以自己的热诚感染了学生。It would be a great tragedy if outdoor education became lost to all but a minority of pupils.如果户外教育不再面向所有学生,只针对少数人,那将是个极大的悲剧。The pupils just copy from textbooks and learn facts.这些学生只是照搬课本,记住些细节而已。The new teacher has put the fear of God into his pupils.新来的教师把学生给镇住了。There was a belief amongst teachers in state schools that pupils in independent schools were angelic.过去公立学校的教师认为,私立学校的学生是很守规矩的。Teaching assistants have time to help the slower pupils.教学助理有时间帮助学得比较慢的学生。He liked scoring off his pupils in his days as a teacher.他当老师的时候喜欢显本事镇住学生。The teacher skimmed off the able pupils for his class.那老师把聪明能干的学生选进自己班。The new law reduces the number of pupils per class in the first four years of schooling.新的法律减少了头四年学校教育每个班级的学生人数。She had set a half-hour composition for her pupils.她已给学生布置了一篇半小时内完成的作文。Schools are booting out record numbers of unruly pupils.学校开除了数量空前的难以管教的小学生。A grammar school's success was measured in terms of the number of pupils who got into university.一所文法学校成功与否是以考上大学的学生人数为衡量依据的。She is one of our ablest pupils.她是我们最聪慧的学生之一。The little baby's lids, half-raised, showed the pupils horribly upturned.婴儿的眼皮半开,可怕地露出向上翘著的瞳孔。Let me recite the names of the pupils who have not been absent this term.现在我来一个个报出本学期不曾缺席的学生的名字。The book has been widely acclaimed by teachers and pupils.这本书在师生中广受欢迎。There is a very relaxed atmosphere between staff and pupils at the school.这所学校师生之间的气氛很轻松。She didn't let her pupils get away with lazy thinking.她没有放任学生们的懒惰不思。The school expects its pupils to come properly prepared for school work.学校希望学生们做好写作业的准备来上学。The teacher forecast that twenty of his pupils would pass the examination.老师预测他有二十名学生能通过考试。The school pupils were huddled in a lunchroom devouring their sandwiches.学生们挤在午餐室里狼吞虎咽地吃着三明治。The teacher tried to silence the pupils.老师设法让学生们安静下来。The teacher is good at firing up the imagination of his pupils.这位教师很善于激发学生们的想像力。The prospect of teachers passing out prophylactics to their pupils has infuriated some parents.想到老师将分发避孕套给学生使一些家长愤慨不已。




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