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Don't let TV take up too much of your child's playtime.别让电视占用你孩子太多的娱乐时间。Father Illtyd kept open house and the boys would congregate in his study during their recreation time, playing cards.伊尔蒂德神父随时欢迎来客,男孩子们会在娱乐时间聚在他的书房里打扑克。This isn't playtime; get to work!现在不是娱乐时间,干活去!Father Illtyd kept open house and the boys would congregate in his study during their recreation time, playing cards or games.伊尔蒂德神父总是敞开大门欢迎来客,男孩子们会在娱乐时间聚在他的书房里打扑克或玩游戏。 |