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词汇 娴熟
例句 The sheer musicianship of this young woman is breathtaking.这位年轻女子娴熟的音乐技巧令人惊叹。I manoeuvred the van carefully into the driveway.娴熟地驾驶着小货车小心驶入车道。Manicurists are skilled at shaping and filing nails.美甲师修锉指甲的手艺娴熟The government is more than adept at ploughing its own diplomatic furrow.政府在制定自己独树一帜的外交政策时无比娴熟The photographer is known for her deft use of lighting.这位摄影师以她娴熟的用光技巧而闻名。The singer was ably abetted by her skilful accompanist.歌唱家由那位技巧娴熟的伴奏者巧妙地配合。She plays the violin with great fluidity.她小提琴拉得非常娴熟His performance lacked polish.他的表演不够娴熟Computers and electronics are growth industries and need skilled technicians.计算机与电子行业属于蓬勃发展的产业,需要娴熟的技术人员。She seemed to have a deft touch with comedy.看来她的喜剧演技颇为娴熟His style is slick and visually exciting.他的演技娴熟,赏心悦目。She rattled a lively piece of music on the piano.她在钢琴上娴熟地弹出一首轻快的曲子。A skilled fencer advances as his opponent retreats.一名娴熟的击剑手在对手后退时向前进攻。She handled the crisis with facility.娴熟地处理了这场危机。I've got packing down to a fine art. I make lists. In fact I make several lists.我对打包行李这事已经非常娴熟了。我会列出单子。事实上,我会列若干个单子。The direct marketing industry has become adept at packaging special offers.直销业在特惠品捆绑销售方面已经相当娴熟The singers were ably supported by the London Chamber Orchestra.歌手们在伦敦室内乐团的娴熟伴奏下表演。I was greatly impressed by the handiness with which she played the piano.她弹奏钢琴如此娴熟,给我留下了深刻印象。The team put up a good workmanlike performance to win 1-0.该队表现出娴熟的技术,以一比零获胜。She possesses complete technical mastery of her instrument.她能非常娴熟地演奏她的乐器。He did a workmanlike job on the boat.他是个手艺娴熟的船工。It was a demanding part that Collins played with consummate ease.柯林斯娴熟弹出的正是难度很大的部分。She showed workmanlike thoroughness in everything she did.她做每件事都显得娴熟而缜密。The hostess showed enormous tact in handling the delicate situation.女主人在处理这一微妙局面时显出极为娴熟的社交手腕。Delillo's prose is studied, taut and masterful.德里罗的散文构思精巧、结构紧凑而且手法娴熟I become infatuated with the supple movement of his fingers over the strings.我被他轻快娴熟的拨弦指法迷住了。He plays the violin with technical mastery, but little feeling.他拉小提琴的技术十分娴熟,却没什么感情。He was a practiced musician.他是一位演技娴熟的音乐家。He skillfully sailed the ship through the narrows.娴熟地驾船驶过江峡。He skilfully / skillfully managed to keep the aircraft on the runway.娴熟地使飞机保持在跑道上。He's a skillful performer, but his music lacks soul.他是个技巧娴熟的表演者,但他的音乐缺乏感染力。He handles his motorcycle well.他驾驶摩托车很娴熟When the horse suffered a back injury, Harvey cured it with his own expert hands.那匹马背部受伤后,哈维运用娴熟的技将其治愈。The touch of the master hand was conspicuously absent from the picture.很明显,这幅画缺乏娴熟的技巧。They weaved expertly among the rush-hour traffic.他们娴熟地穿梭于高峰时间的车流中。He waved his sword with a flourish.他动作娴熟地挥了一下手中的剑。He plays the piano with a delicate touch.娴熟地弹奏钢琴。Practice gives a wonderful facility.娴熟的技巧来自实践。This is a job for a skilled tradesman.这是娴熟的工匠才能干的活。The furniture was expertly constructed.这套家具做工娴熟




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