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词汇 punish
例句 It may seem harsh to punish him, but he has to learn that this kind of behaviour is unacceptable.惩罚他可能显得有点严厉,但是他必须知道,这样的行为是不能接受的。My parents decided to punish me by withdrawing financial support.我的父母决定通过停止经济支持来惩罚我。Current employment laws will be changed to reward effort and punish laziness.现行劳动法要变革,奖勤罚懒。The Convention requires signatories to punish genocide when it occurs.会议要求签署方在种族大屠杀发生时进行制裁。Don't punish a child who wets the bed.不要惩罚尿床的孩子。Don't punish your child for being honest.不要因为你的孩子说了实话而处罚他。Why punish yourself by working harder than you need to?你没必要那么卖力工作,何必自讨苦吃呢?The studio could punish its players by keeping them out of work, and otherwise controlling their lives.电影公司能通过让艺人坐冷板凳来惩罚他们,并采用其他方式控制他们的生活。Richard could easily destroy her personal property to punish her for walking out on him.理查德能轻易毁掉她的私人财产来惩罚她对他的背叛。He kept pushing his parents until they had no choice but to punish him.他不停地逼自己的父母,后来他们别无选择,只好教训了他一顿。The government is determined to punish drug trafficking.政府决心严惩毒品买卖。The teacher said that if anyone came forward and admitted to the prank, she wouldn't punish them. 老师说如果有人主动站出来承认恶作剧,她不会惩罚那个人。He was trying to punish her for deserting him all those years ago.她许多年前弃他而去,他正想办法惩罚她。Our aim was not to punish the rich, but rather to bring justice to the poor.我们的目的不是惩罚富人,而是为穷人伸张正义。They punish themselves by overeating then hate themselves for being overweight.他们因暴饮暴食吃尽苦头,之后又嫌自己体重过高。Don't punish our brain with technical terminology.别用术语来让我们伤脑筋了。If you give quality players that much space, they will punish you.比赛时如果你给优秀球队那么大的活动空间,他们会让你吃苦头的。His parents threatened to punish him, but he didn't take them seriously. 父母说要惩罚他,但他并不把他们的话当回事。The teacher didn't have the heart to punish the youngest of the class.老师不忍心惩罚班里最小的孩子。I don't believe that George ever had to punish the children.我认为乔治根本没有必要处罚孩子们。If you fail, don't punish yourself.如果失败了,不要责备自己。He said that when he was a boy, his father used to take a stick to him to punish him.他说他小的时候,他爸爸经常用棍子惩罚他。How should I punish my child's misbehavior?我应该如何惩罚我孩子的不良行为?If you persist in upsetting her, I will have to punish you.如果你继续烦她,我就只好惩罚你了。The law can punish knowingly false statements.这项法律可对故意作出的虚假陈述施加惩罚。I don't understand why women continue to punish their feet by wearing high-heeled shoes.我不懂女人们为何仍要穿高跟鞋来虐待自己的脚。It is morally unjustifiable to punish a whole class for the actions of one or two of its members.因为一两个学生的行为就惩罚全班在道义上是说不过去的。Never punish children by making them go hungry.千万不要以挨饿来惩罚孩子。His simple message was that God will punish those that do evil.他的意思非常简单,上帝将会惩罚作恶者。It's not my place to punish other people's children.轮不到我去惩罚别人的孩子。It is morally wrong to punish someone for something they did not do.惩罚一个受冤枉的人,这从道德上来说是错误的。The goal is not to punish the rebels, but to convince them that it is futile to resist.目的不是要惩罚叛乱分子,而是要让他们确信反抗是徒劳的。The voters may be ready to punish the politicians who devised a faint-hearted solidarity pact.选民们也许已经作好准备,去惩罚那些制订了懦弱的团结协定的政客。We should try to reform criminals rather than punish them.我们应该尽力改造罪犯,而不是惩罚他们。It's unfair to punish a whole class for the actions of one or two students.因为个别同学的行为而惩罚全班是不公平的。Billy was afraid his aunt would punish him if he owned up.比利害怕自己承认的话姑妈会惩罚他。According to present law, the authorities can only punish smugglers with small fines.根据现行法律,当局只能对走私者处以小额罚款。Parents don't punish their children so severely these days.如今父母不再那么严厉地惩罚孩子了。The House voted to punish the senator with a formal reprimand.参议院投票决定对那位参议员给予正式谴责以示处罚。Their task was to seek out and punish evildoers.他们的任务是找出作恶者并加以惩罚。




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