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词汇 pumpkin
例句 Stave off hunger pangs by nibbling sunflower or pumpkin seeds.吃点葵花子或南瓜子来暂时充饥。The pumpkin had grown into a prize winning monster.这个南瓜已长成了一个庞然大物。The orthodox Thanksgiving dinner includes turkey and pumpkin pie.传统的感恩节晚餐包括火鸡和南瓜派。His pumpkin soup is utterly delicious.他做的南瓜汤非常美味。Scoop out the pumpkin's stringy fibres.用勺子把南瓜里的筋挖出来。Quarter the pumpkin and remove the seeds.将南瓜切成四瓣,去籽。I know Clare is a good cook. I had a taste of her pumpkin pie.我知道克莱尔做得一手好菜,我尝过她的南瓜馅饼。The pumpkin has male and female flowers on the same vine.西葫芦的雄花和雌花长在同一条蔓上。




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