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词汇 pull out
例句 Brody reached into the refrigerator and pulled out a beer.布罗迪把手伸进冰箱,拿出一罐啤酒。A car pulled out from the nearside lane without signalling.一辆汽车没打转向灯就从左侧车道并了过来。Doctors had to use suction to help pull out the baby.医生们只得通过抽吸来帮着吸出婴儿。Witnesses said the plane failed to pull out of a dive and smashed down in a field.目击者称飞机俯冲之后未能复飞,结果坠毁在一片田地里。Hardly knowing what he was doing, Nick pulled out a cigarette.尼克下意识地掏出了一支烟。The plant had production problems; the original contractor pulled out.该厂生产上有问题;原来的订约人不肯履约。The three-pronged spear had a barb on it and could not be pulled out.这把三齿矛上有个倒钩,拔不出来。The man pulled out a gun and fired three shots.那名男子拔出手枪开了三枪。The invading army was outnumbered and was forced to pull out. 入侵军队因寡不敌众而被迫撤出。The nail has been pulled out.那只钉子拔出来了。The conductor highballed and the train pulled out of the station.列车长发出开通信号,列车驶出车站。It's too late to pull out of the agreement now.现在退出协议为时已晚。She pulled out a small package wrapped in tissue paper.她掏出一个用纸巾包起来的小盒子。If we pull out all the stops we should still be able to meet our deadline.如果我们竭尽全力,应该仍有可能按时完成的。We were all pulled out alive, thanks be to God.感谢上帝,我们都被活着救了出来。Suddenly all the men pull out pistols and begin blasting away.突然,所有人都拔出手枪开始不停地射击。He pulled out his badge and said he was a cop.他拿出警徽说自己是警察。Don't forget to indicate before you pull out.驶离所在车道前别忘记打转向灯。There was a gush of blood as the arrow was pulled out from the arm.当从手臂上拔出箭来时,一股鲜血涌了出来。Billy Hardy has pulled out of his second fight against Noel Carroll after a training accident.一次训练事故之后,比利·哈迪退出了和诺埃尔·卡罗尔的第二次比赛。Many of the bodies pulled out of the wreckage were unidentifiable.从残骸中拖出的很多尸体都无法辨认。They have a fallback plan in case the main backers pull out.他们有个应急备用计划,以防主要赞助者撤资。David had to pull out of the Championships when his horse went lame.戴维不得不退出锦标赛,因为他的马瘸了。The car swiped the side of the garage as he pulled out.他把车开出去的时候撞上了车库的大门。Sterling has been hit by the economy's failure to pull out of recession.经济未能走出衰退,英镑因此受到了打击。Gleb scrabbled about in the hay, pulled out a book and opened it.格莱布在干草中乱扒一通,翻出一本书来并把它打开。The French franc has pulled out of the snake.法国法郎已退出蛇形浮动汇率。They'll pull out all the stops to prevent the story from being published.他们将想尽一切办法阻止这篇报道刊登出来。She pulled out a small silver lighter from her bag.她从包里掏出一只小巧的银质打火机。Glen scrabbled about in the hay, pulled out a book and opened it.格伦在稻草中扒拉了一阵,抽出一本书打开。The militia has agreed to pull out of the capital.民兵部队同意撤离首都。Bodies are still being pulled out of the rubble.瓦砾中仍然有尸体被挖出来。They demanded that all the aggressor troops be pulled out from their country.他们要求所有侵略军都应撤出他们的国家。He pulled out a fat wallet stuffed with banknotes.他掏出一个鼓鼓囊囊塞满了纸币的钱包来。I pulled out the telescopic aerial to its fullest extent.我把那根套管式天线全部拉出。They pulled out all the stops for their daughter's wedding.他们全力以赴张罗女儿的婚礼。The buyers of the house pulled out at the last minute.那些买房者都在最后时刻决定不买了。The chairman's talk pulled out until no one was listening.那位主席的讲话扯得太长,没有人听了。He pulled out a handful of coins from his pocket.他从口袋里掏出一把硬币。She pulled out her flask and drank from it.她拿出瓶子喝了起来。




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