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词汇 pulling
例句 I made it to the bus stop just when the bus was pulling away/out. 我赶到公共汽车站时,车正在出站。He was pulling the cork from a bottle of wine.他正在启一瓶葡萄酒的瓶塞。I want to know who's pulling the strings around here.我想知道是谁在这儿幕后操纵。Allow for greater stopping distances when pulling a loaded trailer.牵引载重拖车时,要留出更远的制动距离。The car in front was pulling a horsebox.前面的汽车拉着一辆运马拖车。He slipped out, pulling the door to.他溜了出去,虚掩上门。Circuses don't seem to have much pulling power these days.现在马戏团似乎没有太大的吸引力了。Opinion polls show Labour pulling ahead of the Conservatives.民意调查显示工党领先于保守党。You can open the can by pulling the tab.你可拉拉环把罐头打开。These exercises will enable you to exert force for pushing, pulling, and lifting.这些运动将会使你能够做推、拉、提等力量练习。A child was pulling along a little dog on wheels.小孩拉着装了轮子的小狗走。Data exists but it needs pulling together.信息是有,但需要整理。Factions in the party are pulling in different directions.党内的各个派别都互相勾心斗角,你争我夺。A dog was pulling garbage out of a trash can which was lying on its side in the street.一条狗把垃圾从一个翻倒在街上的垃圾筒里拖出。Easy does it, you're pulling too hard.轻着点,你拉得太用劲了。He tried to make Oliver cry by hitting him, pulling his hair, and calling him names.他对奥利弗又打又拉头发又是骂,想把他弄哭。I haven't won, have I? You're pulling my leg.我没有赢,是吗?你在开玩笑。The fire engines were just pulling up, sirens blaring.消防车正要停下来,警报器发出刺耳的声音。The train from Paddington was just pulling in.帕丁顿来的列车刚刚进站。She didn't hear the car pulling up outside the house.她没有听见汽车停在屋子外面。Is it really your car or are you pulling my leg?这真是你的汽车,还是你在骗我?She had the difficult task of pulling out all the weeds.她的苦差事是拔除所有的杂草。He jumped onto the bus just as it was pulling away.正当公共汽车要开时他跳了上去。We ran down the platform as the train was pulling in.火车进站时,我们跑下站台。It's a tight squeeze, so be careful pulling in.很拥堵,所以要小心停靠。I suspected that he was pulling my leg.我怀疑他是在愚弄我。Getting him to do his homework is like pulling teeth.让他做家庭作业就像要给他拔牙一样难。He is pulling a shrewdie on me.他正向我大施诡计。After just a couple of years at the firm, she was pulling in more than $100,000.她在公司没干几年就能挣十多万美元了。Tony was scolded for pulling ill-mannered mugs.汤尼因扮不礼貌的鬼脸挨了骂。He rocked back and forth, pulling at his pipe.他前摇后晃,吸着烟斗。Troops began pulling out of the region as soon as the order was given.军队一接到命令就开始从该地区撤军。She took the challenge,and it gave her strength, pulling her together.她接受挑战,这给了她力量,使她重新振作起来。She was in the garden pulling up weeds.她在花园里拔草。The crowd were pulling for me to do well.人群在为我加油。Try stretching your legs and pulling your toes upwards.试着双腿伸直并且向上拉伸脚趾。Washington is talking about pulling out its troops next year.华盛顿正在谈论其明年的撤军。I panicked when he said the test was tomorrow, but then I realized he was just pulling my leg.听他说考试是在明天时我惊慌失措,但接着我便意识到他只是在耍我。Two horses were pulling the plough.两匹马在拉犁。The coroner can make assumptions but we need to be pulling together all the witness statements, too.验尸官可以提出假设,但我们仍需要综合考虑所有证词。




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