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词汇 psychologist
例句 Her psychologist turned out to be a fake.她的心理医师原来是个骗子。She was referred to a psychologist.她被介绍到一位心理学家那里就诊。He passed himself off as a senior psychologist.他冒充成资深心理学家。Nicoll was himself a noted psychologist and studied under Jung in Zurich.尼古尔本身是一位著名的心理学家,曾在苏黎世学习,师从荣格。He's a clinical psychologist and professor of psychology at the university.他既是临床心理学家又是大学心理学教授。He admitted to his psychologist that he had been too shy to talk to women.他向心理专家承认自己以前怕羞不敢和女性说话。You don't need to be a psychologist to realise that positive affirmation is what is required.现在需要的是正面肯定,就算你不是心理学家也能意识到这一点。He saw a psychologist to help him work through his depression.他看了心理医生以寻求摆脱抑郁。I made an appointment with the school psychologist.我已与学校的心理咨询教师约好了时间。An assessment by an independent educational psychologist was essential.由具有独立见解的教育心理学家进行评估至关重要。The psychologist considers himself a Freudian.那位心理学家自认为是弗洛伊德式的人。He has enlisted the help of a sports psychologist for the team.他为球队请了一位运动心理学家来帮忙。He fancies himself a bit of a psychologist.他自以为有一点心理学家的天分。Skinner was the psychologist who popularized behavior modification.斯金纳就是那位让行为矫正概念普及起来的心理学家。Ask your doctor for a referral to a clinical psychologist.让你的医生给你推荐一位临床心理学家。Dr Jamieson is the consultant psychologist at St Andrew's hospital.贾米森医生是圣安德鲁医院的心理学会诊专家。The diary is a treasure trove to the abnormal psychologist.这日记对于研究变态心理的专家来说乃是不可多得的资料宝库。The psychologist explained my problem in homely terms.那位心理学家用浅显的词语解释了我的问题。Last night a top criminal psychologist cast doubt on the theory.昨天晚上,一位顶级犯罪心理学家使人们对该理论产生了怀疑。He claimed he was a licensed psychologist, but he turned out to be a fraud.他声称是执业心理学家,结果却是个骗子。Even when I was a kid, I wanted to become a psychologist.我在孩提时代就想成为一名心理学家。The psychologist put her into a hypnotic state.心理医生使她进入了催眠状态。He is now a clinical psychologist with a major hospital.他现在是一家大医院的临床心理学家。She told us she worked as an educational psychologist in Athens.她告诉我们她在雅典当教育心理学家。




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