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词汇 provoked
例句 The incident has provoked much discussion and debate.这一事件引发了诸多讨论及辩论。The coach began to wobble when some of his team selections provoked much baffled comment.当一些队员的入选招致许多不解的非议时,教练开始动摇了。The President's speech provoked much discussion.总统的演说引发了许多议论。The proposal provoked widespread criticism.那项提议引起了广泛的批评。The announcement provoked howls of outrage.这一通告激起了愤怒的咆哮。The takeover provoked a tempest of criticism.这次收购引发了潮水般的批评。The dog would not have attacked if it hadn't been provoked.如果不是被惹恼了,那狗是不会攻击的。Bees do not normally sting without being provoked.如果没有人惹它,蜜蜂通常是不螫人的。The images provoked strong surges of nostalgia for the days of yore.这些影像勾起了对昔日时光的强烈怀念。Nikki's voice provoked a new bout of unreasoning anger.尼基一开口又激起了一阵无名的怒火。Judge Roberts' comments provoked a furious public response.罗伯茨法官的评论让公众狂怒不己。The new laws have provoked violent demonstrations in some towns.新的法律在一些城镇引发了暴力示威。The war provoked strong dissent.战争引起了重大分歧。This television program provoked a spirited debate in the United Kingdom.这个电视节目在英国引起了激烈的辩论。The decision provoked outrage from women and human rights groups.这一决定激起了妇女和人权组织的强烈愤慨。The governor said he would not be provoked into intemperate action.州长说他不会因被激怒而采取过激行动。The press release provoked furious protests from the Gore camp and other top Democrats.新闻稿激起了戈尔阵营和其他民主党高层人物的愤怒抗议。The destruction of the mosque has provoked anger throughout the Muslim world.毁坏清真寺的行为激怒了整个伊斯兰世界。I must make it clear I never laid a finger on her, however much she provoked me.我要说清楚:不管她怎么挑衅,我都没碰过她一个手指头。The dog wouldn't bite you for just petting her. You must have provoked her.这狗你光逗逗它是不会咬你的,你一定是把它惹怒了。The ambassador's offensive remarks provoked widespread criticism.大使冒犯的言论招来了广泛的批评。Most wild animals won't attack unless they are provoked.大多数野生动物若非被激怒,是不会主动攻击的。The announcement of a further pay increase for politicians provoked disapproving comments from the leader of the opposition party.给政客进一步加薪的公告激起了反对党领导人的反对。Mondovi provoked severe unrest, contributing to the rebellious mood of the entire region.蒙多维煽动起严重的暴乱,使整个地区的叛乱气氛更趋加重。The decision to close the factory has provoked fury.关闭工厂的决定引发了众怒。The joke provoked him to hoots of happy laughter.这个笑话引得他快活地呵呵大笑。The decision provoked a storm of criticism.这一决定引起了强烈的批评。The noise would have provoked alarm and neighbourly concern.吵闹本会引起担忧和好意的关注。His comments provoked a barrage of criticism.他的评论招致接二连三的批评。The bombing caused/provoked an international incident.这起爆炸引发了国际争端。The animal will not attack unless it is provoked.动物只有在被惹怒时才会发起攻击。The joke provoked laughter from all of them.这笑话逗得他们全都笑了。The demonstrations were provoked by the unexplained death of an opposition leader.一位反对派领袖莫名身亡,引发了示威游行。The story has provoked a strong response from the Chinese.这则报道引起了中国人的强烈反应。The announcement provoked an immediate storm of protest.公告一发布就引发了一场强烈的抗议。I searched my soul for any malice that could have provoked his words, but found none.我扪心自问并无任何恶意激怒他说出这番话。The shooting provoked a storm of protest.枪击事件激起了一片抗议风潮。He showed admirable restraint, and refused to be provoked.他表现出极大的克制,面对挑衅泰然处之。Niki's voice provoked a new bout of unreasoning anger.妮基一开口又激起了无名的怒火。They are armed and ready to shoot if provoked.他们手里有枪,如果受到挑衅会随时开枪。




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