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词汇 inauguration
例句 We attended the inauguration of the new museum. 我们参加了这个新博物馆的开馆仪式。The President's inauguration speech was a fine demonstration of political oratory.那位总统的就职演说是政治演讲的典范。They later attended the inauguration of the University.他们后来参加了该大学的落成典礼。The new administration hit the ground running after the inauguration.新一届政府在就职典礼后就迅速展开工作。The Chief Justice administers the oath of office to the President at his or her inauguration.首席大法官在总统就职典礼上主持其宣誓仪式。The inauguration ceremony will be held on Saturday.就职典礼将于星期六举行。They very kindly invited my sister and myself to the inauguration.他们盛情邀请我姐姐和我参加开幕式。Mr. Putin honoured him by inviting him to his inauguration when he was elected president.普京先生在当选总统时邀请他参加就职典礼,让他引以为荣。The inauguration received wide publicity in the press.就职典礼在报上得到了广泛报道。Following his inauguration, the President adopted a fairly high profile on relief problems.总统上台后对救济问题的态度是相当引公众瞩目的。Three celebrated tenors sang at the president's inauguration.三位著名男高音歌手在总统就职仪式上演唱。




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