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词汇 provoke
例句 The nature of this book is to provoke reasoned debate.本书旨在引发理性的讨论。His duty was to conciliate the people, not to provoke them.他的职责是去安抚那些人,而不是去激怒他们。Her rudeness was a deliberate strategy to provoke him.她的无礼是有预谋的,故意要激怒他。If one firm goes under it could provoke a cascade of bankruptcies.如果一家公司倒闭,便有可能引发一连串的破产。Premature moves in this respect might well provoke a reaction against the reform.在这方面不成熟的举动很可能引发对改革的抵触情绪。Public indignation may well provoke the House into action.公众的愤慨可能促使众议院采取行动。The hit may provoke the nucleus to eject a particle.这一撞击可以导致原子核射出粒子。It was a vicious-looking dog and I didn't want to provoke it.那只狗看起来很凶,我可不想招惹它。Military planners and diplomats worry that the North's increasing distress over food supplies could provoke it to invade the South.军方策划人员和外交官担心北方日益严峻的粮食供应困难会使其入侵南方。Thinking angry thoughts can provoke strong physiological arousal.想着生气的事情能激起强烈的生理反应。If he moved too quickly, he might provoke a backlash from the diehards.他若操之过急,可能会引起死硬派的强烈反对。Exaggerated reports of the extent of rioting may themselves provoke further disturbances.关于暴乱程度的言过其实的报道本身可能就会引发进一步的骚乱。It was their deliberate intent to provoke an all-out war.他们蓄意挑起全面战争。What had she done to provoke his wrath?她做了什么事惹得他大发雷霆?Paul tried to provoke Fletcher into a fight.保罗想挑拨弗莱彻打架。If you provoke the dog, he may bite you.你如果激怒了这条狗,它可能会咬你。There are fears that welfare cuts could provoke a rebellion among left-wing MPs.有人担心削减福利可能会引起左翼国会议员的反抗。The article was intended to provoke thought.这篇文章的用意是引发人们思考。His insults were intended to provoke a fight.他的辱骂是为了挑起争斗。Such incidents would provoke press interest.这类事件总会引起新闻界的兴趣。Paul tried to provoke Fletch into a fight.保罗试图激怒弗莱琪来打架。Such a decision may provoke a backlash from their supporters.这样的决定可能会在他们的支持者中引起强烈反对。They accused both radicals and conservatives of trying to provoke a split in the party.他们指责激进派和保守派都在试图挑起党内分歧。The report is likely to provoke discussion of this issue.报告很有可能引起对该问题的讨论。Teachers often play devil's advocate to provoke discussion in the classroom.老师经常故意唱反调激发课堂讨论。He just says those things because he's trying to provoke you.他说那些话只是试图激怒你。She hopes her editorial will provoke readers into thinking seriously about the issue.她希望她的社论能引发读者对该问题的认真思考。The government does not wish to provoke further demonstrations.政府不希望再激起示威抗议。A well-constructed troll will provoke irate or confused responses from flamers and newbies.精心策划的网络怪论会诱发易冲动的网友和网络新手作出种种回复,有义愤填膺的,有充满困惑的。She had been trying to provoke her sister into an argument.她一直在想方设法惹姐姐来吵一架。He's just trying to provoke you.他是故意要激怒你。He tried to provoke them into fighting.他试图挑动他们打架。This is likely to provoke a further row about the bank's role in the affair.这有可能会加深关于银行在此事中的作用的分歧。




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