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词汇 英寸
例句 Joanna, a six-foot-three redhead, stood out in her small Iowa farm community like a palm tree in a cornfield.乔安娜,身高六英尺三英寸,长了一头红发,在艾奥瓦州的那个农场小社区里显得很突出,犹如鹤立鸡群。The ball missed the goal by a few inches.球差几英寸没进门。When the two ends of the tunnel met in the middle they were only a few inches out.隧道两端在中间相接时,仅有几英寸的误差。The seeds should be planted a few inches apart.应该相隔数英寸播下种子。The first shot missed my head by just a few inches.第一枪差几英寸就打到我的头部。He's six feet, three inches tall. = He's six foot three.他身高六英尺三英寸The steel doors are four inches thick.这些钢门有四英寸厚。She has three inches in height on me. 她比我高三英寸A couple of inches of dry, powdery snow had fallen.下了数英寸厚的粉状干雪。The skirts were shortened an inch or two.这些裙子被改短了一两英寸Four inches of rain have fallen in four days.四天的降雨量为四英寸Thin the carrots to two inches apart.把胡萝卜间成相隔两英寸These pins are available in one- and two-inch lengths.现有的大头钉有一英寸长的,有两英寸长的。This new diet will take inches off your waist and hips.新的饮食方式会让你的腰和臀瘦几英寸The nail penetrated the wood at least two inches.钉子钉进木头至少有两英寸He planted/sowed the seeds three inches apart.他每隔三英寸种植/播种。Mr Haddad was several inches shorter than his wife.哈达德先生比他太太矮几英寸He took shot after shot, each missing by inches.他打了一枪又一枪,每枪都差几英寸没有击中。The wall is shifting a couple of inches every year.这面墙正在以每年几英寸的速度发生移位。His heart gave a little flutter as the ladder slipped a couple of inches.梯子滑动了几英寸,他的心微微跳动了几下。The wings of the bird have a 12-inch spread.这鸟的翼展有十二英寸The car has a road/ground clearance of seven inches. 这辆轿车的底盘高出地面七英寸The plank measures two inches in thickness.这块木板有两英寸厚。I have to give my height in feet and inches.我得报出自己的身高是几英尺几英寸Set seeds thinly two inches apart.间隔两英寸稀疏地下种。A sniper's bullet tore up a wall two inches above his head.一颗狙击手的子弹打烂了他头顶上方两英寸地方的墙头。He managed to push the window open a few inches.他设法把窗户推开了几英寸In recent years the sea has risen by a couple of inches.近些年,海面上升了几英寸The ball missed the goal by a few inches.球差了几英寸没进球门。The walls in our house are only a few inches thick.我们家房子的墙只有几英寸厚。Cold weather causes a contraction of two inches in the bridge.寒冷的天气会使这座桥缩短两英寸Stan grew two inches in six months.斯坦在六个月里长高了两英寸The measurements are listed in both inches and centimeters.尺寸以英寸和厘米两种单位列出。The bullet missed him by inches.子弹差几英寸就打中他了。The shot missed the goal by inches.这次射门只差几英寸就射中了。I'm about two inches larger round the waist.我的腰围大概粗了两英寸Compost the plants when they are three inches high.苗长到三英寸高时就施肥。This ruler has one scale in centimeters and another in inches.这把尺有厘米和英寸两种刻度。The dust of ages was piled inches high over the books.书籍上面多年积尘厚达数英寸The curtains should be a couple of inches clear of the floor.窗帘应该离地几英寸




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