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词汇 provocation
例句 He denies murder on the grounds of provocation.他否认盛怒之下杀人。She had great capacity to resist provocation; biting down hard, she said nothing.她很能忍受他人的挑衅,所以竭力忍着,什么也没说。They did not react to this provocation.他们对这一挑衅未作反应。Orson claims that the man attacked him without provocation.奥森称,那个男子在没有被挑衅的情况下袭击他。The soldiers fired without provocation.士兵们无缘无故地开枪了。She attacked him without provocation.她无缘无故地就攻击他。Those two will scrap at the least provocation.这两个人一言不合就会扭打起来。The defendant was not acting under provocation.被告并非是在被激怒的情况下做出此举动的。She will have a tantrum at the least provocation.她会为了丁点儿小事而大发脾气。The victim's conduct had involved an element of provocation.受害者的行为有些挑衅的成分。After giving him such provocation, how can you be surprised that he's angry?这般惹恼了他之后,你又怎能怪他发怒呢? The crime was committed under provocation.该罪行是被激怒后犯下的。She flies into a rage without the slightest provocation.她会无缘无故地勃然大怒。With hardly any provocation, the crowd began to chant.人群无故开始不停地叫喊起来。He would light into anyone with the slightest provocation.谁只要稍微冒犯他一下,就会被他大骂一顿。Such a move obviously would constitute a provocation at the present time.在目前采取这样的行动显然会激出事端。Words alone can constitute provocation.言语本身就能构成挑衅。He can turn violent at the least/slightest/smallest provocation.哪怕是一点点的小刺激都能让他暴怒。The Deputy Commander has condemned this weekend's protest as deliberate provocation.副指挥官谴责本周末的抗议活动是蓄意挑衅。Her plea of guilty to manslaughter through provocation was rejected.她因受到挑衅而过失杀人的有罪答辩被驳回。He would lose his temper at the slightest provocation.只要稍有招惹,他就大发脾气。She claims that Graham attacked her without any provocation.她声称格雷厄姆无故攻击她。




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