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词汇 going home
例句 We had often talked about emigrating to Australia. Suzie came from Melbourne, so it would be just like going home for her.我们经常在说要移民澳大利亚,苏齐是墨尔本人,对她来说就等于是回家。Are you going home for Thanksgiving?你感恩节回家吗?They're pleased to be going home.就要回家了,他们很高兴。You can sweet-talk me all night long, but I'm not going home with you!你可以花言巧语哄我一晚上,但我是不会跟你回家的!He's looking forward to going home when his course finishes.他盼望着课程结束后回家。We were in ecstasies at the thought of going home.一想到回家,我们高兴极了。Rob's going home to watch the football on TV.罗布打算回家看足球赛的电视转播。As soon as I've done I'm going home.完事后我就立即回家。She abandoned all thought of going home.她抛开一切想回家的念头。I'm looking forward to going home for the holidays.这个节日假期我盼望回家。In just a few short weeks we'll be going home.再过短短的几周我们就要回家了。I'm going home now. See y'all later.我现在要回家了,大家再见。I'm going home now for a bit of peace and quiet!现在我要回家清静一下!I'll stop by to see Leigh before going home.我回家前将顺道去看望一下利。I dreaded the thought of going home and being scolded by my father.我一想起回家要被爸爸责骂就害怕。There's no sense in going home before the concert.去听音乐会之前还回趟家,这么做大可不必。I've had enough - I'm going home.我受够了——我要回家了。I'm going home now - I'm all in.我已经精疲力尽了,现在要回家了。It was quite obvious that she was not going home.很显然她不准备回家。He usually has forty winks going home on the train.他在返家的火车上通常要小睡一会儿。I'm going home to see my folks.我要回家看看我的父母。I feel lousy - I'm going home.我感觉很不舒服——想回家去。He whipped through his routine paperwork before going home.回家之前他迅速结束了日常的案头工作。I was glad to be going home, but sad to leave all my friends.我很高兴要回家了,但是要离开所有朋友,我心里很难过。They were determined to settle the dispute/argument before going home for the day.他们下定决心要在今天回家前解决分歧/争端。It may rain tomorrow, but we are going home in any case.明天可能下雨,但不管怎样,我们打算回家去。Well, I'm not going home on foot, at any rate.哼,无论如何我都不会步行回家。I'm not going home yet. I have to go somewhere else first.我还不准备回家,我要先去别的地方。Look, I've had enough of this. I'm going home.听着,我已经受够了,我要回家了。I'm going home to visit my family and all that jazz.我要回家去见见家人什么的。The hostages simply look relieved to be going home.快要回家了,人质看起来轻松极了。He cheered up at the thought of going home.他一想到回家,心里就高兴起来。The new washing machine's going home already, I shall complain to the makers.这台新买的洗衣机已经不行了,我要向厂方投诉。My brother's getting divorced so I'm going home for a family powwow this weekend.我哥哥要离婚了,因此本周末我要回家参加家庭会议。I've enjoyed my time in Europe, but I'm really looking forward to going home to America.我在欧洲过得很开心,但我很渴望回到美国的家里去。She abandoned all thoughts of going home.她抛开一切想回家的念头。




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