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词汇 going down
例句 Germans worry that their economy is going down the plughole.德国人担心他们的经济会滑入深渊。Movies are going down and television is taking over in the West.在西方,电影业每况愈下,电视业正在取而代之。We are going down under next month.下月我们要去澳大利亚和新西兰。When I was dieting, that was when my social life started going down the tube.我节食的时候,也就切断了一切社交生活。We're going down to Bournemouth for the weekend.我们打算去伯恩茅斯度周末。We ought to be moving; the sun is going down.太阳快要下山,我们该走了。We need to find out what's going down. 我们需要弄清楚发生了什么事。People worry that the economy is going down the plughole.人们担心经济会滑入深渊。The fire engines were going down the road to beat the band.救火车一路风风火火地疾驶而去。Trees were going down like ninepins in the strong wind.树木在狂风中横七竖八倒了一地。Right, here's the ladder. Who's going down first?好,这儿有梯子。谁先下去?Small local stores are going down the drain.当地小商店的经营每况愈下。The sun's going down and it'll be dark soon.太阳要落下去了,天很快就要黑了。The business is going down the plughole.生意现在是每况愈下。Their public image was going down the drain.他们的公众形象化为了乌有。The rate of inflation is finally going down.通货膨胀率终于下降了。As a child I was scared stiff of going down to the cellar.小时候,我非常害怕到地下室去。That new vegetarian restaurant seems to be going down a treat.那家新的素食餐馆似乎非常受人青睐。The sun was going down and it would soon be dark.夕阳西下,天很快就要黑了。I'm going down to the hospital to give blood.我要到医院献血。I don't think that prices will go up but, by the same token, I don't see them going down either.我认为价格不会上涨,同样,我也认为价格不会下跌。The idea of going down into the caves terrified her.下到那些洞穴里去的想法把她吓坏了。I hate to think of all that hard work going down the drain!所有的辛劳都付诸东流,我真不愿去想!Officers were going down like ninepins.官员们轻而易举就被搞定了。The neighbourhood is going down — it's getting more and more of a slum.这个街区在衰败下去,变得越来越像个贫民窟了。Theresa could see all her good work going down the tubes.特莉萨能看到自己做得好好的工作全都白费了。The business has been going down all winter.在整个冬季这家公司一直在走下坡路。The drive required going down a quite twisty road.开车的话需要走一段非常蜿蜒曲折的下坡路。His health is going down the tubes.他的身体快垮了。I tried to tell Tyrell what was going down, but he wouldn't listen.我试图将所发生的一切告诉蒂雷尔,可他就是不听。The battery should prevent the computer system from going down in the event of a power cut.这块电池可以防止计算机系统在停电时停止运行。My ankle is going down nicely, I should be able to walk soon.我的脚踝在逐渐消肿,情况良好,不久该可走路了。The public schools are going down the drain.公立学校现在是每况愈下。The quality of his work has been going down.他的工作质量一直在下降。She had feared that she was going down with pneumonia.她担心自己会感染肺炎。The peace dividend has not materialized despite military spending going down in most countries.尽管大多数国家的军费都有所削减,但并没有实现和平收益。Prices have been going down steadily.物价一直在稳步下降。The peace dividend has not materialised despite military spending going down in most countries.虽然大多数国家的军事支出在降低,但和平红利并没有兑现。She had feared she was going down with pneumonia or bronchitis.她担心会得肺炎或支气管炎。There was a time when Liverpool players never seemed to get injured, but now they are going down like ninepins.利物浦队的队员一度似乎怎么都不会受伤,但现在一倒就倒了一片。




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