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词汇 protection
例句 Fire-protection equipment must be available on all floors.各楼层都必须有防火设备。Everyone is entitled to some measure of protection.每个人都有权利受到一定程度的保护。The hut afforded little protection from the elements.这间棚屋几乎不能遮风挡雨。Some creams we tested failed to give adequate protection against UV light.我们检测的有些防晒霜不能提供足够的防紫外线保护。Plants need protection against extreme cold.植物需要保护,以免受严寒侵袭。The gang ran illegal casinos, brothels, and protection rackets.这一帮派经营非法赌场和妓院,还收保护费。The city council is responsible for providing police protection in each locality.市议会负责提供警力保护各区。The system gives people a measure of protection against pollution.该系统可适度保护人们免受污染。A helmet affords the rider some degree of protection against injury.头盔能在一定程度上减少骑车人受伤的可能性。The village needs protection from raiding tribes.这个村庄需要防御一些部落的突袭。She was put into a psychiatric hospital for her own protection.她被送入精神病医院以保护自己。Business liability protection will provide coverage for damages in the event of a legal claim.商业责任保护险在遇到法律索赔时提供损害赔偿。How can you divorce the issues of environmental protection and overpopulation?你怎能把环境保护和人口过剩这两个议题割裂开来呢?The Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs responded that the protection of refugees was a matter for an international organization.比利时外交大臣回应称保护难民是国际组织的事情。The hood provides added protection against the elements.头巾可以为挡风雨提供额外的防护。Such a thin coat gives little protection against the cold.这样单薄的上衣不能御寒。Witnesses at the trial were given police protection.审判时证人受到了警方的保护。This policy gives extensive protection against loss or damage to your home caused by fire or smoke.这种保险就烟或火对您的住宅造成的损失或损害提供了广泛的承保。Fill the cooling system with antifreeze as a protection against frost.在冷却系统中添加防冻剂以防止冻结。Child protection workers were meeting to discuss her case.儿童保护工作者正在开会讨论涉及到她的棘手问题。I placed myself under his protection.我将自己置于他的保护之下。Both knights owed allegiance to Bishop Odo and were granted lands in Kent under his protection and patronage.两名骑士都向奥多主教表示臣服,在他的庇护和恩赐下获得了位于肯特的土地。I'm leaving you responsible for Juliet's protection.我把保护朱丽叶的任务交给你了。The need for greater protection for wildlife habitats is not always officially recognized.野生生物的生活环境需要得到更大的保护,但是这并非总能得到官方的认可。He said a magic spell of protection.他念了一段辟邪的咒语。We can wave goodbye to the sort of protection that people at work need and deserve.我们就只能向工作的人所需要且应得的那种保护说拜拜了。The police were issued with body armour for extra protection.警察配发了防弹衣加强保护。The Swedes have led the way in data protection.瑞典在数据保护方面处于领先地位。Inner-city kids often join gangs for protection, and for the chance to make money by selling drugs.旧城区的孩子经常加入团伙寻求保护,以及寻找出售毒品挣钱的机会。Workers were provided with gloves for protection.工人们领到了防护手套。All prosecution witnesses were given police protection.原告的所有证人都得到了警方保护。The two companies have entered into partnership for their mutual protection.这两家公司为了他们的共同利益而合股。The primary duty of parents is to provide protection for their children.父母的首要职责是为子女提供保护。They tend to consider women as the weaker sex in need of care and protection.他们往往认为女性是弱者,需要照顾和保护。Six rogue protection officers scammed thousands of pounds in fraudulent work and expense claims.六名保护官员通过造假及费用索赔骗取了数千英镑。He was a promoter of causes including environmental protection.他是包括环保在内的诸多事业的倡导者。These huts offer little protection against rats.这些小屋无法防范鼠害。The US Constitution guarantees free speech, freedom of assembly and equal protection.美国宪法确保言论自由、集会自由和平等保护。The new policy is believed to be the first scheme to offer protection against an illness.这份新保险单被认为是首个承保疾病风险的保险方案。Refugees are accorded special protection under international law难民受到国际法的特别保护。




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