例句 |
Each investor will receive a pro rata share of the profits. 每位投资者都会拿到相应份额的利润。The fee will be paid pro rata to the people who did the work.报酬将按比例支付给参与这项工作的人。All part-timers should be paid the same, pro rata, as full-timers doing the same job.所有兼职者应当像全职人员一样同工同酬。They are paid their salaries and are entitled to fringe benefits on a pro rata basis.他们领薪水,并且也有权按比例享有附加福利。The cash or scrip would be offered as part of a pro rata return of capital to shareholders.作为按比例资本收益的一部分,股票持有者将获得现金或股息凭证。 |