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词汇 properties
例句 Police mounted round-the-clock guards on properties last night.警方昨晚对各处资产进行了通宵守卫。He is studying the properties of these particles.他在研究这些粒子的性质。We test the chemical and biological properties of the samples.我们测试样本的化学特性和生物特性。The properties of an alloy are different from the sum of the properties of the substances it contains.一种合金的特性不同于它所含物质的特性总和。Local people ascribe healing properties to this fruit.当地人认为这种水果具有药用特性。He has several properties in this street.他在这条街上有几笔地产。The prosecutor must have a search warrant before he searches a suspect's properties.检察官必须要有搜索票才可以搜索嫌犯的财产。Its precise chemical properties are unknown.其确切的化学特性未知。He is studying the medicinal properties of wild plants.他正在研究野生植物的药物特性。A fence marked the dividing line between the two properties.一道栅栏作为两处房产的分界线。Under state law, the town is required to revalue residential properties every five years.按照州法律,小镇每五年需对住宅房地产进行重新评估。These properties are considered especially suitable for older people.这些特点被认为特别适合老年人。Several thousand minerals can be distinguished, each defined by its own set of properties.矿物质分几千种,每一种都有各自的特性。The latest trend is for home-owners to carry out improvements before selling their properties.最近,屋主在卖房子前一般都会先修缮一下。Its physical properties are relatively insensitive to pressure changes.其物理性质对于压力的变化反应比较迟钝。A radio signal has both electrical and magnetic properties.无线电信号具有电、磁双重属性。Old properties in the town have acquired a scarcity value.城里的老房子变得物以稀为贵。The drug has psychoactive properties.这种药具有影响精神的作用。These electrical properties are virtually constant across a wide range of temperatures.这些电性能在很大温度范围内几乎保持不变。He owns several residential properties in London and New York.他在伦敦和纽约有好几处住宅地产。Belief in the magical properties of this herb persisted down the centuries.对这种草药的神奇功能的笃信延续了好几个世纪。The conducting properties of solids vary widely.固体的传导特性相差很大。He had taken Todd and Maxine on a grand tour of properties he thought might be suitable.他带着托德和玛克辛踏上了一次他认为可能不错的房地产深度观光游。The properties were eventually demolished because it had become uneconomical to continue maintaining them.这些房产由于继续保养的代价太高而最终被拆毁。They studied the compound's chemical structure/composition/properties.他们研究了这种化合物的化学结构/成分/特性。This drink is recognized to have sedative properties.这种饮料被认为具有镇静特效。Those who come unstuck are the ones who cannot sell the properties on fast enough.栽跟头的就是那些没有迅速把不动产卖出去的人。One of the properties of helium is its lightness.氦的属性之一是轻。He planned to buy two more properties so he could live off the rental income.他计划再买两处房产,这样就可以靠租金收入生活。An occupation road is built for the benefit of the residential properties that are served by the road.居民用路是为了方便物业区内的居民出行而专门修的。They weren't paying market rent on the properties.他们没有按市值租金支付那些房产的使用费。The substance has properties similar to plastic.该物质的性质类似于塑料。The properties of the soil influence the growth of the plants.土壤性质影响植物的生长。Almond oil is renowned for its soothing, emollient properties.杏仁油以其缓解疼痛和滋润皮肤的功效而出名。A tall hedge separates the two properties.高大的树篱将两处房产隔开。Use a checklist when visiting properties to buy, so that you keep a record of which features you liked and didn't like.去看想买的房子时列个表,把你喜欢的和不喜欢的各个方面做个记录。One of the properties of copper is that it conducts heat and electricity very well.铜的特性之一是导热导电能力强。Most of these properties are owner-occupied.这些房产大部分都是业主自用的。He owns a number of properties on the south coast.他在南部海滨拥有几处房产。The herbs are valued for their medicinal properties.这些草本植物因具有药性而受到重视。




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