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词汇 propaganda
例句 The propaganda of both sides relies heavily on historical myth.双方的宣传都主要依据历史传说。The article was reprinted and used as propaganda.这篇文章被重印并用作宣传。The government keeps pumping out the same old propaganda.政府大肆进行那套老式的宣传。They used propaganda to advance their cause.他们利用宣传来推动他们的事业。In Najaf, Khomeini had begun a propaganda campaign against the Shah.在纳杰夫,霍梅尼向沙发起了一轮宣传攻势。He argued that Labour should counter this propaganda with a series of press statements.他主张工党应在报刊上发表一系列声明来反击这种宣传。He was used purely for propaganda purposes.他被完全用来做宣传。The USSR scored valuable propaganda points against its Western aggressors.苏联在宣传上压过了西方侵略者,赢得了宝贵的分数。The party's election propaganda lacked bite and purpose.这个政党的竞选宣传缺乏说服力和目的性。This din is purely a propaganda ploy.这种鼓噪纯粹是宣传招术。We mustn't give these groups a platform for their propaganda.我们不能给这些团体宣传机会。Pictures of fleeing refugees were used as an effective propaganda tool against the Communists.出逃难民的照片被用作有效的反共宣传工具。They disseminated anti-French propaganda.他们散布反对法国的宣传资料。The pirate radio station broadcasts anti-government propaganda.非法广播电台散播了反政府的言论。Radio Marti is still there, spewing its US propaganda across the waters toward Cuba.马蒂广播电台仍在大放厥词,向古巴越洋播送美国的宣传。He is a lone voice against state propaganda.他是唯一反对国家宣传的人。I object when political propaganda is pushed through my letter box at election times.选举时政治宣传品都塞到我的信箱里来了,我很不满。Voters and businessmen alike fell for this propaganda.选民和商人同样都对这种宣传信以为真。They are past masters of the art of propaganda.他们是深谙宣传艺术的行家。The book is just propaganda parading as literature.这本书就是伪装成文学作品进行宣传的。The Front adopted an aggressive propaganda campaign against its rivals.该阵线采用激进的宣传手段对付它的对手。Their aim is to neutralize the Council's propaganda campaign.他们的目标就是让议会的宣传活动失去作用。The papers were full of political propaganda about nationalization.报纸上全是关于国有化的政治宣传。The Nazis used racist propaganda in an attempt to demonize the Jews.纳粹试图利用种族主义宣传将犹太人妖魔化。Politicians want a lap-dog press which will uncritically report their propaganda.政客们想要的是不问是非、甘为他们搞宣传的哈巴狗一样的新闻媒体。They even set up their own news agency to peddle anti-isolationist propaganda.他们甚至设立了自己的通讯社来宣扬反孤立主义。The whole nation was force-fed government propaganda about how well the country was doing.全国人民被政府强行灌以国家正欣欣向荣的宣传。He owed his popular support to the potency of his propaganda machine.他获得广泛支持,他将这归功于他的宣传机器的力量。He was accused of spreading propaganda.他被控散布错误言论。The book's central thesis is that propaganda influences the masses in important ways.这本书的中心论点是宣传活动对群众有重要的影响。There has been a good deal of propaganda about the dangers of smoking.关于吸烟的危害已作过大量宣传。There is talk of propaganda, film montage, of the lies of the west.有人谈论宣传,有人谈论电影蒙太奇,也有人谈论西方国家的谎言。The film was later used for propaganda purposes.这部电影后来被作为宣传之用。Her ideas have been shamelessly perverted to serve the president's propaganda campaign.为了配合总统的宣传活动,她的想法被无耻地曲解了。The victory claims on the part of the aggressors were mere propaganda.侵略者声称打了胜仗,这纯粹是宣传。The Declaration served primarily as a propaganda piece.宣言主要起宣传作用。They have mounted a propaganda campaign against Western governments.他们发起了一场反对西方政府的宣传运动。One official dismissed the ceasefire as a mere propaganda exercise.一名官员将停火斥为赤裸裸的宣传伎俩。There has been a lot of anti-war propaganda.一直有许多反战宣传。The Olympics were of great propaganda value to the regime.奥林匹克运动会对这个政权来说具有很大的宣传价值。




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