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词汇 强加
例句 We will not impose burdensome regulations on businesses.我们不会将繁琐的规定强加给企业。It's impossible for him to thrust his own opinions upon us.他想把他的观点强加给我们,这绝不可能。He tried to press his opinion on us.他试图把他自己的意见强加给我们。You took over the meeting and forced your views on everyone.你控制了会议,把自己的意见强加到大家头上。They have no means, short of civil war, to enforce their will upon the minorities.他们只有通过内战才能将意志强加给少数派。I try very hard not to inflict my values on them.我尽力不将自己的价值观强加给他们。Rachel gently but persistently imposed her will upon Douglas.蕾切尔态度平和而坚决地将她的意志强加到道格拉斯身上。Why are you always trying to cram your own ideas down my throat?你为什么老想把你自己的想法强加给我呢? Mayor Rendell imposed the new contract terms.伦德尔市长强加了新的合同条款。She never enjoyed the fame that was thrust upon her.对于强加给她的名声,她从未感到过开心过。He imposed his will on his subjects. 他把自己的意志强加给臣民。They continue to inflict their strange ideas about nutrition on/upon their children.他们继续把有关营养的奇怪想法强加给自己的孩子们。How dare you impute such monstrous intentions to me?你怎么敢把这种荒谬的意图强加到我头上来? Don't enforce your will on the child, please.请别把你的意愿强加给这孩子。He accused parents of spoiling their children's lives by forcing on them outdated beliefs.他指责做父母的把过时的信仰强加给子女,从而毁了他们的一生。It's a violent film with a happy ending tacked on.这部充满暴力的电影却强加了个圆满的结局。He thinks that just because he's the head of department he can force his opinions on everybody.他以为自己是部门的领导,就可以把自己的想法强加给每个人。Teachers should try to avoid imposing their own beliefs on their students.教师应避免把自己的信念强加给学生。Parents of either sex should beware of imposing their own tastes on their children.父母双方都应切记不要把自己的喜好强加给孩子。She usually manages to impose her will on the rest of the group.她常常将自己的意志强加给团队中的其他人。She had not wanted to be Queen, but the role was thrust upon her.她原本也没有想当女王,但女王的身份就强加到了她的身上。Japanese college students in particular are disillusioned by the restrictions placed on them by society.尤其是日本的大学生对社会强加给他们的种种限制感到失望。The will of the majority has been forcibly imposed on the minority.多数派的意志已经强加给了少数派。He foisted his prejudices upon his young students.他把自己的偏见强加给青年学生。He tried to intrude his opinions on me.他想把他的意见强加给我。He tried to press his opinion upon us.他试图把他自己的意见强加给我们。The terms of the contract were effectively imposed rather than agreed.合同的条件实际上不是双方同意而是强加的。One side in the conflict cannot unilaterally impose a settlement.冲突的一方不能单方面强加一种解决方案。The media bombards all of us with images of violence.媒体强加给我们大量的暴力画面。She always tries to impose her own ideas on the rest of the team.她总想把自己的想法强加给团队其他成员。They resent having these decisions forced on them.他们很反感把这些决定强加给他们。It would be wrong to try to read too much into such a light-hearted production.如果硬把太多含义强加给这部轻松的作品就不对了。He's always trying to push his political beliefs on other people.他总是试图把自己的政治观念强加给别人。I try not to foist my values on the children but it's hard.我尽量不把我的价值观强加到孩子们头上,但是这并不容易。Many NHS managers say the Government is too interfering, burdening them with centrally imposed targets and guidelines.很多提供国民保健服务的管理人员说,政府干预过多,用中央强加的目标和指导方针向自己施压。The people felt the treaty had been imposed on them by their government.人们觉得这一条约是政府强加给他们的。He imposes his personal beliefs on his employees.他把自己的个人信仰强加给雇员。He rammed his own opinions down my throat.他把他自己的意见强加给我。




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