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词汇 progression
例句 The use of soft drugs does not necessarily lead to a progression to hard drugs.吸食软毒品不一定会发展成要吸食硬毒品。Drugs can slow down the progression of the disease, but not cure it altogether.药物可以延缓该病的进展,却不能完全治愈。Doctors were surprised by the rapid progression of the disease.医生们对这种疾病的迅速发展感到惊讶。By a logical progression of thought, she worked out why the remark was considered offensive.通过一步步的逻辑思考,她明白了为什么那番话冒犯了别人。Creeping is a slow method of progression.爬行是一种缓慢的行进方法。The novel follows the progression of a woman from youth to middle age.这部小说以一个女人从青年到中年的经历为主线。They could aspire to a fairly rapid progression in their careers.他们可望在职业生涯方面有相当快的提升。Close evaluation to detect cervical dysplasia and carcinoma is critical to avoid progression to cancer.及时检查并发现子宫颈非典型增生及肿瘤对于避免发展成癌症是非常关键的。There is a progression of habitats from dry meadows through marshes to open water.栖息地是一系列的,从干燥的草地到沼泽地,再到开阔的水面。The film editor orders the material into a logical progression of images.电影剪辑把素材整理成合乎逻辑的一系列影像。The exhibit is arranged to show the progression of Picasso's work.展品的摆放以展示毕加索绘画风格的发展变化为目的。Her progression through the ranks of the company had been rapid.她在公司的晋升一直很快。Career progression from trainee to junior management levels can be rapid.从实习生到初级管理层的事业发展可能很快。Drugs can slow the progression of the disease.药物可以延缓病情的发展。Both drugs slow the progression of HIV, but neither cures the disease.这两种药物都可以延缓艾滋病病情发展,但是都不能治愈这种疾病。There's no reason why the fact of being a parent should be an obstacle to women's career progression.生孩子妨碍女性事业发展是没有道理的。It seemed like a natural progression from singing to acting as a career.从唱歌到以表演为职业似乎是一个自然的发展过程。I think they saw it as a natural progression for me.我想他们认为这对我来说是顺理成章的。The progression from school to university is difficult for many students.从中学过渡到大学对许多学生来说都很困难。I believe in progression, in taking risks, in never getting stale.我崇尚进取、冒险和永不倦怠。




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