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词汇 housed
例句 There is some uncertainty over where the refugees are going to be housed.难民将安置在哪里还有点说不准。The museum is housed in a converted church.这座博物馆设在一座改建的教堂里。Mothers with children are housed by local councils.带孩子的母亲由市政委员会安排住房。Some of Spain's most valuable art treasures are housed in El Prado.西班牙一些最有价值的艺术珍品被收藏在埃尔普拉多博物馆里。The rabbits were housed individually.兔子被分开饲养。The fish can be temporarily housed in a smaller aquarium.鱼可以暂时养在小一点儿的鱼缸里。Jesus is on a spiritual retreat, mortifying the flesh so that the spirit housed within it can flourish.耶稣在进行心灵静修,通过克制肉欲而让内在的精神得以绽放。The losers in this society are the homeless and badly housed.这个社会的失败者是无家可归者和居住条件很差的人。The world's finest collection of Impressionist paintings is housed in the Musée d'Orsay in Paris.巴黎奥塞美术馆拥有世界上最棒的印象派画作馆藏。The athletes were housed two to a room.运动员们被安排两人住一个房间。The gun is housed under a tarpaulin cover.枪用防水油纸包好收了起来。A large number of families are still waiting to be housed.许多家庭仍在等待安排住房。The refugees were housed in makeshift dormitories.难民被安置在临时宿舍里。The villagers fed and housed the evacuees from the blitzed city.村民们为那些从遭受闪击进攻的城市撤出的人员提供食宿。The laboratory was housed in a temporary wood structure.实验室设在一间临时搭建的木房子里。Each fountain pen is housed in an elegant casing.每支自来水笔装在一只精致的盒子里。She housed him during his visit.在他拜访期间,她留他住宿。The soldiers were housed in poorly heated huts.士兵们被安排住进了供暖条件差的简陋小屋。The refugees are being housed in temporary accommodation.难民被安置在临时住处。The refugees have been fed, clothed and housed by welfare organizations around the world.这些难民由世界各地的福利机构提供食物、衣服和住处。Military bases were protected by captured enemy soldiers who were housed there as a human shield.军事基地受到由关在那里的敌军俘虏兵组成的人盾的保护。I housed with him.我和他住在一起。The art is housed in a purpose-built structure that provides a controlled environment.这件艺术品被放在一个特制的建筑物里,里面的环境是可以调控的。We were housed student-wise in dormitory rooms.我们像学生一样住在宿舍里。The paintings are now housed in the National Gallery.这些油画现被收藏在国家美术馆。The machinery is housed in a special building.机器存放在一栋特设的楼里。The latest refugees were housed in makeshift dormitories.新来的难民被安置在临时的集体寝室里。All the electronics are housed in a waterproof box.所有电子设备都储放在一个防水盒中。The poor were housed in dingy, rotting buildings.穷人住在昏暗的朽烂的房子里。Equipment is housed in a practical, take-apart cabinet.设备装在一只实用的可拆装的柜子里。Their villas housed army officers now.他们的别墅里现在住着军官。The theatre is housed in a large building fronting Canning Street.戏院设在面朝坎宁大街的一栋大楼里面。The collection is currently housed in the British Museum.该藏品目前被大英博物馆收藏。




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