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词汇 profound
例句 The scientist is a profound man.那位科学家是个思想深邃的人。The book had a profound effect on his impressionable young mind.这本书对他易受影响的幼小心灵产生了深远的影响。Tolstoy's experiences of war had a profound effect on his work.托尔斯泰的战争经历深刻影响了他的作品。The episode left him with a profound sense of shame.这一经历给他留下了深深的羞愧感。It led to the cynicism and profound pessimism about human nature.那导致了对于人性的怀疑和极度的悲观。All at once I fell into a state of profound melancholy.我突然深深地陷入了忧思。Strange creatures live in the profound depth of the ocean.在大洋深处生活著一些奇怪的生物。This is a scientific discovery of profound significance.这是一项意义重大的科学发现。Lack of maternal love can have a profound effect on a child's psychological development.缺少母爱会对孩子的心理成长产生深刻的影响。The shock to the community has been profound.该社区受到的震动非常大。No cinema director had a more profound effect in pushing the envelope of acceptable family entertainment.在挑战家庭娱乐片的接受程度方面,没有哪个电影导演比他的影响更深远。Colour has a profound, though often subliminal influence on our senses and moods.颜色会极大地影响我们的感官和情绪,而这种影响常常是潜意识的。Sarah seemed to have a profound sense of inner peace.萨拉内心好像非常平静。His knowledge of history is profound.他的历史知识很渊博。Karouzos's poetry shows a profound preoccupation with the Orthodox Church.卡鲁佐斯的诗歌表明他对东正教的执着。The disaster has had a profound effect on the country's economy.这场灾难对该国的经济产生了深远影响。Descartes’ ideas have had a profound influence on modern science.笛卡尔的思想对于现代科学有着深远的影响。The book contains a great many profound insights into human behaviour.书中包含有诸多对人类行为的深刻见解。The revelations of child abuse at the home have come as a profound shock to parents and social workers.家庭虐儿事件的一次次曝光令家长和社会工作者大为震惊。The invention of the contraceptive pill brought about profound changes in the lives of women.避孕药的发明给妇女的生活带来了深刻的变化。This is a book full of profound, original and challenging insights.这本书充满了深刻、新颖、令人深思的见解。The difference between the beginners and the intermediate class was profound.初级班和中级班之间差距悬殊。If the world is to avoid environmental catastrophe, advanced economies must undergo a profound transition.世界若要想避免环境灾难,经济发达的国家必须进行深刻变革。She knelt to say a prayer of profound thankfulness.她跪下来做祷告,表达深深的感激之情。She feels a profound ambivalence about her origins.她对自己的出身深感矛盾。Recent studies have borne out claims that certain perfumes can bring about profound psychological changes.最新研究证明某些香水可以造成严重的心理变化。It's a profound book.那是一本深奥的书。He sensed a feeling of profound sorrow in her voice.他感觉到了她话音中极度的悲伤。She has displayed a profound contempt for her opponents.她对她的对手表示出极大的轻蔑。Joe had a profound distaste for violence.乔对暴力深恶痛绝。Her books offer profound insights into the true nature of courage.她的著作对勇气的本质问题提出了深刻的见解。My reaction was a sense of profound relief.我的反应是感到了极大的宽慰。Anna's patriotism was profound.安娜有强烈的爱国心。We felt a profound sense of alienation from Western culture.我们深深感到与西方文化格格不入。The discovery of planets orbiting other suns has profound implications.行星环绕其他恒星的轨道运行的发现具有深远的影响。When those idols are found to have feet of clay, the pain of disenchantment can be profound.当人们发现那些偶像有严重的缺陷时,会产生无比痛苦的失落感。He had a profound influence on modern poets.他对现代诗人有深远的影响。The arrival of the car brought about a profound change in village life.汽车的到来彻底地改变了乡村生活。I feel a profound antipathy to using any weapon.我对使用任何武器都深恶痛绝。There are some fairly profound ideological disagreements within the movement.该运动内部在意识形态上存在一些比较严重的分歧。




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