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词汇 profit from
例句 I was grateful to him, and profited from his advice.我很感激他,而且受益于他的忠告。The law was amended so that profits from drug dealing could be seized by the government.法律作了修改,以使政府能够没收贩毒所得的利润。He tried to make a profit from trade.他试图从贸易中获利。Ford expects handsome profits from its phone business.福特公司期望从其电话业务中获取可观的利润。He reaped large profits from his investments.他的投资获利很多。He profits from the weaknesses of others.他经常利用他人的弱点得益。They profited from the sale of the house.他们从这栋房屋的销售中获利。They are raking in the profits from each more audaciously violent movie.通过一部部更加大胆的暴力电影,他们攫取了巨额利润。The multibillion-dollar fitness industry rakes in fat profits from our hunger to look good.数十亿美元的健身产业利用我们的爱美之心赚取巨额利润。Speculators profit from changes in prices.投机商从物价变动中得利。All profits from the concert will go to help children in need.音乐会的利润将全部用于帮助贫困儿童。Other countries appropriated the profits from the deal.其他国家从这项交易中侵吞了利益。The robbers decided to whack up the profits from the robbery.盗贼们决定分赃。All profits from the show will go to charity.这次演出的所有收益都将用于慈善事业。Many companies will profit from the fall in interest rates.利率降低,许多公司将从中获利。They are raking in large profits from the housing market.他们在从房产市场牟取暴利。Some industries, such as shipbuilding, clearly profited from the war.某些行业,例如造船业,显然从这场战争中获利了。His case was financed by speculators who hoped to profit from his victory.他打这场官司是由那些期望从他的胜诉中获益的投机者们资助的。We will all profit from the experience.我们大家都将从这一次经验中得到好处。We stand to make a sizable profit from the sale.我们很可能从这场拍卖中获得相当多的利润。We profit from the work of the specialist.我们从专家的工作中得到益处。It seems the banks always profit from farmers' misfortunes.银行似乎总是从农民的不幸中获益。The profits from CD sales were donated to charity.唱片销售的利润都捐给了慈善机构。She has certainly profited from spending a year in England.在英国度过的一年确实对她有益处。The company is trying to shield its profits from taxation. 这家公司正在竭力逃避上缴利润税。The capitalist system extracts huge profits from arms production at the tax-payers' expense.资本主义体制牺牲纳税人的利益,从武器生产中牟取暴利。If we get good profits from the farm, maybe we could start a little business on the side.要是农场的赢利多,也许我们还可以另外做一些生意。It nauseates me to think that he has profited from this.想到他从中谋取利益我就感到厌恶。We gained a lot of profit from your advice.我们从你的建议中获益匪浅。Booksellers chase after profits from high-volume sales.书商从畅销书中谋求利润。The company hoped to profit from the burgeoning communications industry.公司希望能从飞速发展的通讯业中获利。United failed to profit from their numerical advantage.曼联队未能利用人数上的优势得分。He reaped great profit from being a comprador for a foreign company.他担任外国公司的买办,并从中获取暴利。They made excessive profits from the drug rackets.他们从毒品非法交易中获取暴利。The writer only receives a small percentage of the profits from each book sold.每本书出售所得的利润,作者只拿到很小的比例。The company had a breakout year last year, tripling its profits from the previous year.去年公司的生意大有起色,利润达到前年的三倍。The large chain stores are siphoning profits from the small local stores.大型连锁商店从地方的小店抽取利润。Nobody should be allowed to profit from war and human suffering.任何人都不可以从战争及人类的苦难中获利。Some of the people took advantage of their village's closeness to the border and made profits from smuggling.有些人利用自己村子离边境近的优势走私获利。Jennifer wasn't yet totally convinced that she'd profit from a more relaxed lifestyle.珍尼弗还不完全相信更轻松的生活方式会对她有好处。




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