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词汇 alike
例句 The language of Darwin was intelligible to experts and non-experts alike.达尔文的语言无论对专家还是非专业人士而言都明白易懂。The boss treats everyone alike.老板对大家一视同仁。That caused considerable mirth amongst pupils and sports masters alike.那个举动引得学生和体育老师大笑不止。Childhood illness can be upsetting for children and parents alike.儿科病会让孩子和父母同样苦恼。She's a Marilyn Monroe look-alike.她长得很像玛丽莲·梦露。They are somewhat alike in their beliefs.他们的信仰有些相似。The twins are so alike that it's easy to muddle them up.这对双胞胎看上去很像,很容易弄混。They look rather alike and you don't know at first which is which.他们看上去很相像,猛一看你都分不出谁是谁。After the trial he was shunned by friends and family alike.审判后,朋友和家人都躲着他。The sisters don't really look alike.姐妹们看起来并不怎么相像。No two people are exactly alike.没有两个人是完全一样的。The spies duped government and military officials alike.这些间谍把政府和军方的官员都骗了。Brisk daily walks are still the best exercise for young and old alike.不管年轻人还是老人,每天快步行走仍是最好的锻炼方式。The two sisters are so alike that people can hardly distinguish one from the other.那两姊妹非常相像,人们很难把她俩区分开来。Don't keep all those chocolates to yourself - share and share alike.别把那些巧克力都留给你自己一个人吃——让大家都一起分享吧。The resort offers a wide range of facilities for young and old alike.这个度假胜地为老少游客提供了诸多便利设施。Have you seen that new commercial with the Mel Gibson look-alike?你看到那个新广告了吗?是一个长得酷似梅尔·吉布森的人拍的。The twins look very much alike.这对双胞胎看上去非常相像。I always confuse you with your sister – you look so alike.我总是把你和你妹妹搞错,你们俩太像了。Her ability was acknowledged by friend and foe alike.她的能力是朋友和敌人都公认的。Not everyone acts or thinks alike.不是每个人的行动或想法都是一致的。They look exactly alike to me. How can you tell which is which?在我看来,他们非常像,你怎么能区分出哪个是哪个?Words written alike are often pronounced differently.拼写相同的词发音常常不同。Their children were ostracized by teachers and pupils alike.他们的孩子受到了老师和同学的排挤。The children are all treated alike.孩子们都受到同样的对待。The two sisters dressed almost alike.姐妹俩穿着几乎一样的衣服。I have no patience with the hypothesis that babies are born pretty much alike.我最受不了那种认为初生婴儿长得大都一个样的胡乱猜测。Emma and Louise sound so alike on the phone, I can't tell the difference.埃玛和路易丝在电话里声音很像,我不能区分出来。It's a show that appeals to young and old alike.这是个对青年人和老年人都有吸引力的节目。The two men were far more alike than they would ever admit.那两个人也许不承认,可他们非常相像。All of these locks are keyed alike.所有这些锁配的钥匙都相似。We were alike in interests and tastes, but we were opposites in temperament.我们的兴趣和品味很像,但是脾气却完全不同。Shop-owners and residents alike seem bemused by the recent arrival of so many tourists.店主和居民似乎都对近来出现那么多游客感到不解。They have taken a wrong turning in their assumption that all men and women think alike.他们错误地设想所有男女均见解一致。They even dressed alike.他们甚至穿得都一样。Perhaps we're more alike than we realized.也许我们比我们意识到的更相像。The wine goes with strong and mild cheese alike.喝这种酒的时候可以搭配浓奶酪或淡奶酪。Feeling unsafe reduces night-time activity for old and young alike.不安全感使得不管老人还是年轻人都减少了夜间活动。This chapter will be useful for students and experts alike.这一章对学生及专家等都有益处。It's easy to confuse them because they're so alike.他们长得太像了,很容易就会把他们搞混了。




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