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词汇 过去常
例句 I used to watch cartoons on TV.过去常在电视上看卡通节目。She used to pick flowers in the Cromwell Road.过去常到克伦威尔路采花。My father used to take snuff.我父亲过去常吸鼻烟。I used to partner him in tennis matches.过去常在网球比赛中与他搭档。They often used opium as wages and as currency for barter.他们过去常用鸦片当工钱和易货交易的通货。I hated my first husband. He used to hit me and the children.我恨我第一个丈夫,他过去常打我和孩子。I used to take work home, but I don't do it any more.过去常把活儿带回家干,不过我如今再也不这么做了。I used to fantasize that my real parents were famous movie stars.过去常幻想我的亲生父母是著名影星。I used to play basketball.过去常打篮球。Women who studied engineering used to be considered freaks.学工程的女性过去常被看作是怪人。They used to take the air in the evening.他们过去常在傍晚时去户外散步。He used to have a drinking problem but he hasn't touched a drop in years.过去常常酗酒,但是近年来一点也不喝了。Mexican Indians used to wrap tough meat in leaves from the papaya tree.墨西哥印第安人过去常用番木瓜树叶把难嚼的肉包起来。Uncle Sebastian used to tease Mother and Daddy unmercifully that all they could produce was girls.塞巴斯蒂安叔叔过去常无情地嘲讽爸爸和妈妈,说他们只会生女儿。She used to borrow money and not bother to pay it back.过去常借钱不还。He used to lock himself in his bedroom for hours on end and refuse to talk to anyone.过去常把自己锁在卧室里一呆就是几个小时,不跟任何人说话。Single-parent families are much more common these days.如今单亲家庭比过去常见得多了。She used to hide her diary under her pillow.过去常把自己的日记藏在枕头下。We used to go boating on that lake.我们过去常去那个湖里划船。The two little girls used to make believe that they were princesses.两个小女孩过去常假扮成公主。She used to play games of make-believe with her elder sister.过去常跟姐姐玩扮家家的游戏。She used to say she didn't believe in marriage.过去常说她不相信婚姻。I always said the girl had no class.过去常说这女孩没有品位。We used to cut school together and hang out at the beach.我们过去常一起逃课去沙滩闲逛。He used to make extremely dull, turgid and frankly boring speeches.过去常作些极其乏味、晦涩难懂而且令人非常厌烦的演讲。She used to send away for pretty clothes out of mail-order catalogues.过去常写信邮购产品目录上的漂亮衣服。The security guards used to pass their time playing cards.警卫过去常玩纸牌消磨时间。The old lags used to joke on the convict boats.多次坐牢的惯犯过去常在囚船上开玩笑。I used to hit out at my husband and throw things at him.过去常打我丈夫,还朝他扔东西。We used to skinny-dip in the lake.我们过去常在湖里裸泳。My mother used to tell me it wasn't manly for little boys to cry.我母亲过去常说哭鼻子的小男孩不是男子汉。Coal used to be sent here by canal.过去常经过运河送来。She used to give lectures at the Mechanics' Institute.过去常在机械学院授课。He used to claim that he had his best ideas after several days of intoxication.过去常说他最高明的主意都是在连醉几天后想出来的。He used to make fun of what he called her "plebeian origins".过去常拿她所谓的“平民出身”来开玩笑。He used to affect a foreign accent.过去常假装外国口音。He used to write purple prose.过去常写绚丽矫饰的散文。He used to kid me about being chubby.过去常取笑我胖。They used to sting their clients.他们过去常诈骗客户。His stepfather used to beat him with an iron bar.他的继父过去常用铁条毒打他。




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