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词汇 processes
例句 Macphie processes meat into sausages and burgers.麦克菲公司把肉类加工成香肠和汉堡。It is obligatory for companies to provide details of their industrial processes.公司必须提供其工业流程的详细情况。The cream contains ingredients that augment the skin's natural healing processes.这种药膏中含有促进皮肤自然愈合的成分。Once hay has been cut and baled, it has to go through some chemical processes.干草一经割下并打成大捆,就要经过一些化学工序处理。For some time mathematicians have suspected that biological shapes and processes obey mathematical rules.有一段时间数学家们曾推测生物形态和进程是遵循数学规律的。I was beginning to understand his thought processes.我开始理解他的思维过程。The chemical processes involved in the experiment are extremely complex.该实验中的化学变化极其复杂。All of this research informs our understanding of how disease processes work.所有这些研究有助于我们理解疾病的发展过程。These chemical processes generate a lot of heat.这些化学过程产生大量的热能。These examples suggest that there is a connection between the two processes.这些例子表明这两个过程之间可能有关联。Breathing and the circulation of blood are life processes.呼吸和血液循环是生命的过程。Every ingestion of food can affect our mood or thinking processes.每一次食物摄入都会影响我们的情绪或思维过程。Intelligence is partly a function of the speed with which the brain processes information.智力在一定程度上取决于大脑处理信息的速度。He got a job at a printer's and quickly learned the technicalities such as paper sizes and the processes involved.他在一家印刷公司找到了一份工作,很快就掌握了诸如纸张尺寸及印刷流程一类的技术细节。Growth and decay are vital processes.生长和衰亡是生命过程。You'll learn all about the mysteries of the darkroom and printing processes.你将学会所有关于暗房和冲印程序的秘诀。The sewage plant processes waste.污水处理厂对废水进行处理。All of these processes combine to produce a particular form of language.所有这些过程互相作用形成一种特定的语言形式。Less complex business processes can reduce costs and improve efficiency and quality.简化业务手续可降低成本,提高效率和质量。The living organisms somehow concentrated the minerals by biological processes.生命体通过某种生物过程聚集矿物质。These processes require careful scheduling.这些过程都需要精心安排。Business systems are highly complex and involve processes that are heterogeneous and multidimensional.商业系统极为复杂,并且包含了各种多方面的进程。Those two processes are very closely interlinked.那两个过程紧密相连。The defective gene interferes with normal body processes.缺损的基因会扰乱正常的身体变化进程。Once the printing processes have been put in motion, they're not so easy to stop.印刷工序一旦启动,就不容易停止了。Efficiency is an issue of optimising an intricate network of processes for the long-term sustenance of performance standards.效率就是为保证绩效标准长期可持续而对复杂流程网络进行优化的问题。As children grow older, their cognitive processes become sharper.孩子们越长越大,他们的认知过程变得更为敏锐。The bylaws are amended through the normal processes.地方法规通过正常流程进行修订。The court also processes cases of children and youth who have committed misdemeanors or felonies.该法院还审理儿童和青少年犯的轻微罪行或重罪案。Students use thinking processes and skills to gain a knowledge of history.学生靠思考和熟记获取历史知识。The processes are all electronically controlled.各道工序都用电脑操纵。We are making our housings with some brand-new processes.我们正在用一些崭新的方法建房。New products and production processes are transferred to the developing countries only after a substantial amount of time has lapsed.新的产品和生产工序要经过一段相当长的时间后才能向发展中国家转移。The brain processes the information that is taken in by our senses.大脑处理我们感官接收到的信息。I couldn't see what thought processes led him to that conclusion.我不明白什么样的思考过程让他得出那样的结论。The book uses simple words and pictures to explain complex processes.该书使用简单的词语和图画来解释复杂的过程。Once hay has been cut and baled it has to go through some chemical processes.干草割下并捆扎之后需要对其进行化学处理。Carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere by a number of processes that operate on different time scales.二氧化碳经过一系列的过程从大气层中被除去,这些过程所需要的时间段各有不同。Teachers are trained to stimulate the child's cognitive processes.教师接受如何激发孩子认知过程的培训。We need to rationalize work processes and cut costs.我们需要把工艺流程合理化以便削减开支。




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