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词汇 proceedings
例句 They will be taking steps to set/put the divorce proceedings in motion. 他们将着手启动离婚诉讼程序。Threakall instigated legal proceedings against the drugs company.思里科尔挑起了对制药公司的诉讼。The banks temporarily halted the legal proceedings.各家银行暂停了法律诉讼。They should be kept in their place and not allowed to dominate the proceedings.应该让他们清楚,自己不得操控诉讼。She is threatening to institute legal proceedings against the hospital.她威胁说要对该医院提起诉讼。Several senior executives were notably absent from the proceedings.一些高级主管显然没有出席会议。The proceedings have now been adjourned until next week.会议休会至下周重开。The court commenced criminal proceedings.法庭开始了刑事诉讼。She was listed as the receiver in the bankruptcy proceedings.在破产程序中她被列为接管人。In the divorce proceedings, she demanded the car and a whopping two-thirds of the family business.在离婚诉讼中,她要求分得那部车,还要求得到家族企业三分之二的巨额财产。We made a detailed recording of all the proceedings of this meeting.这次会议的经过,我们做了仔细的记录。The chairman called a halt to the proceedings.主席终止了会议进程。There was insufficient evidence to justify criminal proceedings.没有充分的证据可以提起刑事诉讼。He opened today's proceedings in several short sentences.他简短地说了几句就开始了今天的会议。The judge cannot interfere directly in these proceedings.法官不能直接干预这些诉讼程序。The commission's proceedings have been wrecked by tantrums and walkouts.委员会的议程因与会者胡搅蛮缠和离席抗议而搞砸了。Lawyers for the couple have announced the initiation of divorce proceedings.夫妇双方的律师已声明进入离婚诉讼程序。His remarks injected a note of levity into the proceedings.他的话给整个活动增添了一丝轻率的意味。My presence at the afternoon's proceedings was superfluous.我出席那天下午的会议是多此一举。The company was willing to drag out the proceedings for years.公司愿意将诉讼拖上几年。The police will initiate extradition proceedings against him.警方将启动对他的引渡诉讼。The cost of the proceedings will be a charge on his estate.诉讼费用将拿他的产业来偿付。No judicial proceedings have been started against them.没有启动针对他们的司法程序。State officials said the court's ruling clears the way for proceedings to condemn buildings in the area.州政府官员称法庭判决为宣布该地区楼房为危房的行动扫清了道路。We sought an adjournment of the proceedings.我们寻求暂缓诉讼。The design rules and observing proceedings are presented.提出了设计原则及注意事项。He decided there was insufficient evidence to justify criminal proceedings.他认定证据不充分无法提起刑事诉讼。It was left to Martina to add a breath of common sense to the proceedings.这件事交由马丁娜处理,她会使整个过程显得更符合情理一些。The company are in the process of instituting legal proceedings.这伙人正准备提起诉讼。There were no plans to reopen extradition proceedings against him.没有计划要对他重启引渡程序。The proceedings of the enquiry will take place in private.问讯将会秘密进行。The least experienced athletes had caused a great many false-starts through the day's proceedings.那天的比赛中,经验最浅的运动员抢跑无数次。The company is in bankruptcy proceedings in the wake of a strike that began last spring.去年春天开始的罢工一结束,这家公司就进入了破产程序。Edward, who appeared to have detached himself from the proceedings, stared out of the window.爱德华看来走神了,凝视着窗外。The transcripts will serve as a permanent record of the proceedings.这份文字记录将作为诉讼的永久记录。We had no choice but to institute court proceedings against the airline.我们别无选择,只能对航空公司提出诉讼。The secretary kept a record of the proceedings at/of the meeting.秘书记录了会议的议程。He asked if he might conduct us to the ball which was to bring the proceedings to an end.他问是否可以带我们去舞会现场,整个仪式将在那儿结束。The proceedings of the conference will be published.此次会议的记录将会被发表。His wife started divorce proceedings.他妻子提起了离婚诉讼。




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