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Life was riddled with petty privation.生活因缺这少那弄得狼狈不堪。On the whole morale is high and the average soldier does not feel privation.总的来说,士气是高的,一般士兵并不感到生活必需品的匮乏。They endured five years of privation during the war.战争期间,他们忍受了五年缺衣少食的生活。The country has suffered through long periods of economic privation.这个国家遭受了长时期的经济匮乏。He has not been deterred from his noble undertaking by the privation of air, light, and water.虽然缺乏空气、阳光和水,他依然坚持自己高尚的事业。Economic privation is pushing the poor towards crime.生活的贫困逼着穷人去犯罪。 |