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词汇 prisons
例句 British prisons remain disgracefully crowded and insanitary.英国的监狱一直人满为患、卫生状况奇差。The report criticizes the lax security at many prisons.这篇报告批评许多监狱戒备松懈。At their best the conditions in these prisons are barely tolerable.即使在最好的时候,这些监狱里的条件也让人难以忍受。Education departments in all the prisons are being put out to tender.现在正在对所有监狱的教管部门进行招标。Building new prisons is not going to help lower our incarceration rate.建造新的监狱并不能帮助我们降低监禁率。More prisons are needed to house the growing number of inmates.需要更多的监狱来关押日益增多的犯人。Conditions in prisons out there are unimaginably bad.那里的监狱条件恶劣得无法想象。The management of some our prisons has sometimes been corrupt, and it is our job to clean it up.我们一些监狱的管理层有时候会有贪污现象,对其进行整治则正是我们的工作。The state's former commissioner of prisons once called him the meanest man he'd ever seen.前州监狱署署长曾称他是自己所见过的最残忍的人。Our prisons are our most deficient social service.我们的监狱是问题最大的社会机构。The novel focuses on the inhumanity of prisons and labour camps.这部小说重点表现了监狱和劳改营里的人所遭受的非人待遇。The money spent on prisons could be better spent on training first-time law-breakers to earn an honest living.与其把钱花在监狱上,还不如用来培训初次犯罪者学习正当谋生的技能。Human rights are being violated every day in their prisons.在他们的监狱里人权每天都受侵犯。A more relaxed regime and regular work lends the inmates a dignity not seen in other prisons.由于较宽松的管理制度和有规律的劳动,这里的囚犯获得了一份其他监狱的囚犯所没有的尊严。Many suicides occur in prisons.监狱中的自杀事件很多。Staffing levels in prisons are too low.监狱管理人员数量太少。We are working to reform the nation's prisons.我们正努力改革国家监狱制度。Their basic criticism was that prisons do not reduce the crime rate, they cause recidivism.他们批评的主要着眼点是监狱没有降低犯罪率,反而造就了惯犯。Many prisons, even today, are overcrowded and squalid places.时至今日,许多监狱仍旧拥挤不堪,肮脏至极。Older prisons will be phased out over the next few years.在今后几年里,一些较旧的监狱将陆续关闭。The prison riots have sharpened the debate about how prisons should be run.监狱暴动加剧了有关监狱该如何管理的争论。The two prisoners were kept under restraint while they were transported between prisons.在转监途中,两名犯人受到了人身限制。The country's prisons are filled with drug-takers, and cannot cope with the numbers.这个国家的监狱关满了吸毒者,数量之大令其难以应对。Many juvenile offenders were being put in adult prisons.许多少年犯被关押在成人监狱里。Animal rights advocates argue that zoos are really animal prisons and very often cruel.动物权利保护者指出动物园实际上是动物的牢笼,经常很残酷地对待动物。The country's prisons are filled with drug-takers, and cannot cope with the numbers.这个国家的监狱里挤满了瘾君子,都容纳不下了。The prisons are all full up.各监狱人满为患。The general public has little or no knowledge of what is happening inside prisons.一般大众对监狱里的情况了解不多,甚或一无所知。The fund has been used largely to finance the construction of federal prisons.该基金大部分用于了资助联邦监狱的建造。Disturbances are relatively infrequent in our prisons.相对来说,我们这里的监狱不常发生骚乱。Open prisons prepare prisoners for life back in the community.开放式监狱使囚犯为重新开始社会生活做好准备。The prisons are full to overflowing.监狱已人满为患。Most of the women were hawking food around the various prisons.其中大多数妇女在各个监狱周边兜售食品。The report draws attention to the appalling conditions in the country's prisons.报告引起人们对该国监狱恶劣状况的关注。There is a perverse logic in the suggestion that fewer people should be imprisoned because prisons have almost reached maximum capacity.有人建议入狱人员的数量应当减少,理由是监狱快要人满为患了,这其中的逻辑很怪。The state plans to build two more prisons.这个州计划再建两所监狱。It is a national shame that our prisons serve as mental institutions.监狱被当作精神病院,这是我们的国耻。It is one of several companies running private prisons across Britain.这是英国经营私人监狱的数家公司之一。The association fosters a deeper understanding between prisons and the public.该协会致力于促进监狱和公众之间加深了解。




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