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词汇 print out
例句 Could you print out a copy of that letter for me?你能把那封信打印一份给我吗?The digitized images can be stored on a computer hard disk, or printed out on special photographic paper.数字化影像可以储存在电脑硬盘上或打印到专门的相纸上。An error message is printed out and the programme ends.出现了错误信息,程序中止了。The computer quickly prints out which defects a patient might have, in order of probabitity.计算机按概率顺序很快就打印出病人可能有的缺陷。My printer prints out at 8 pages per minute.我的打印机每分钟打印八页。When I'm finished, I'll print out a hard copy.我弄完后会打印出一份。I printed out a map to the party.我打印了去往聚会地点的地图。The computer has printed out the results of the calculation.计算机已打印出计算结果。Could you print out another copy for me?你可以帮我再打印一份吗?The images of the moon's surface were transmitted back to earth and printed out.月亮表面的图像被传回到地球并打印出来。It's a big file, so it'll take a long time to print out.这个文档很大,打印要花很长时间。You measure yourself, enter measurements and the computer will print out the pattern.你量一下自己的尺寸,把尺码输进去,电脑就会把式样打印出来。Should I print out that graph now?我要不要现在把图表打印出来?They intend to print out thousands of these leaflets.他们拟将这些传单印发数千份。Information can be viewed on screen or printed out.信息可以在屏幕上查阅,也可以打印出来。




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