例句 |
Josh had just had a slight mishap with the breadknife, and was trying to find a Band-Aid.乔希用面包刀的时候受了点小伤,正在找邦迪创可贴。She had a Band-Aid on her ankle.她的脚踝上贴着创可贴。It's just a Band-Aid solution and is unlikely to work long-term.这只是权宜之计,不是长久之计。We need long-term solutions, not short-term Band-Aid ones.我们需要的是长期的解决办法,而不是短期的权宜之计。This idea is criticized by some as a Band-Aid solution.有些人批评这个办法只是权宜之计,并不能真正解决问题。 |